Surface Skum In Mantis Tank Can I Mod The Filter In Any Way To Stop It


Apr 12, 2007
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Ime getting a horrible build up of skum on the water surface of my 5G mantis tank which is a nasty brown colour.

Does anyone know of anything i can do to the filtration like a mod of some kind to the pump or anything along them lines??

heres a pic so you can see how the filtration works


As you can see the water enters on the left and goes through some filterwool, then down through a load of liverock, then up through the 2nd chamber which containes a bag of carbon then down to the pump at the bottom of the 3rd chamber where is is then pumped back into the tank .
A very small powerhead pointed at the surface will do it ;)
the idea did cross my mind just i gotta find something with a small enough flow to not turn the tank into a whirlpool. ill check my fav place......ebay lol and see what it brings up

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