Surface Motion


New Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Bucks, UK
Hello all,

I've seen a few posts recently which include things along the lines of 'make sure you have enough surface movement' or advising to get a bubble pump to increase surface aeration, etc.

I wonder, though, what is 'enough' surface movement?

In my corner tank, the water swirls around gently on the surface in an ant-clockwise direction, but there are no waves or ripples.

Is that OK, or should I adjust my filter so that the surface has waves or an up-and-down motion too?
(Maybe I should note that I'm about 25 days into a fishless cycle and that I plan eventually on keeping Rams, Apistos, Dwarf Gouramis, and a shoal of some sort).

Thanks for any advice,

The water should have ripples on it, this will disturb the surface layer & so allow oxgenation.
Air bubbles are not neccassery unless you want them for asthetic reasons.

Just angle your filter outlet towards the surface a bit to make it ripple & you are good to go.

Its a myth you need bubbles or waves for oxygen - all you need to do is just gently aggitate the water on the surface and all will be well!

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