Surface Film


Planted Experimentalist
Apr 2, 2011
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Got a little bit of surface film on my 60, problem is its got lily pipes and they dont give much surface movement even at the highest point, if I get them high enough to break the water it just makes loads of bubbles, any ideas guys? My lily pipes seem to push the water down rather than across the tank. :S
I get the film even with a spray bar agitating the surface.
I just do a minor water change with a plastic jug,scooping it out.
Once I add new water to top back up,the film is gone.
Got a little bit of surface film on my 60, problem is its got lily pipes and they dont give much surface movement even at the highest point, if I get them high enough to break the water it just makes loads of bubbles, any ideas guys? My lily pipes seem to push the water down rather than across the tank. :S

Is there no way to modify the pipes? Ideally, you would want a nice strong current on the top to get rid of the film but also to increase oxygenation as well.
I know its a pain in the a**! Not too worried about oxygenation as its fully planted and pearls everyday so there's plenty of that but the film just bugs me lol, done a 50% water change yesterday and its gone now anyway, I think its just the new substrate.
it may well be the substrate, the film is often something to do with the respiratory function of the plants. As above, scoop off with a bucket, is the easiest way to remove it. If you look on youtube you will see most of the tanks with lily's have the same problem.
Lol and I thought lily's were the way forward, only thing they're good for is looking like there's nothing in the tank.
Doaqua have made a lily pipe called a Poppy, this takes the water towards the top of the tank. You'll always read 'whats best' on the net and there is never a conclusive answer, as they are all good for certain things. The one thing a lily is supposed to do is create a vortex to take the water down. I used a lily on a small tank and really didn't rate it. As you say, they are great for ascetics though! I have also read and seen that 2 each side of the tank works the best, this is what Amano suggests in his Complete works book.
Oh well, its giving good flow to the HC which is the only demanding plant in my scape so I guess I cant grumble, you cant have it all aye.

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