Surface Algea


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hi all, I have a 260l planted tank which has been running for around 4 months. all fine and fish doing well until earlier this week when i noticed a little green algea floating on the surface. This has now increased to the point where it has completly covered the surface. The rest of the tank seems ok, with just a little algea on the rocks which i clean off each week when changing the water.
The tank stats are

Amm 0

Nri 0

Nra 5

Ph 7

Fish are 4 black ruby barbs, 7 cardinal tetras, 4 mountain minnows

Tank not in direct sunlight. Lights on for 10 hours per day
how often and how much approx do you feed?

the main causes of algae is extra nutrients, which can be caused by too much light or excess/uneaten food, try cutting down your feeding and the amount of time the light is on
Never seen a floating algae you sure it is not duckweed
No definetly not duck weed, its a very fine green film on the surface of the water, it has developed over the last few days. I have just noticed a small amount of algea on the mopani in the tank, I am going to reduce the time the lights are on and reduce the feed slighty to see if that makes a difference. Am thinking of adding a couple of Otto's to.
Have you tried breaking the surface with a spray bar or even a powerhead
Sorry about the delay in replying, my filter breaks the surface, i have now reduced the lighting to 8 1/2 hrs per day, reduced the amount fed slightly and added 3 ottos, i have also bought a test kit for phosphate which is at 0.25
I have been carrying out 2 25% water changes a week which reduces the "green film" but within 2 days it is back again.
Can anyone suggest what my next move should be before i go mad!!

If the surface agitation doesn't remove it, investing in a UV sterilizer would be a wise idea. It is very efficient at removing free swimming algae form your water.


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