Surface agitation


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon with an Aquaclear Mini & a 25 gallon with an Aquaclear 200. I was wondering what water level (if any) provides the best surface agitation? Should the water level be just below where the water pours out or should it be several inches or ?
If you leave the water too low where the water falls and you can hear it, then it maybe too noisy. It doesn't really matter. As long as there's agitation, it's fine. I have a spraybar on my filter and I leave it under the water line, so it's quiet. I don't want to put the spray bar above the water and have to hear the water running. :crazy:
It's always good leave maybe an inch off the water line so that your tank won't be short of oxygen IMO. However if you wanna fill it all the way to the top you could always buy and air pump. It looks pretty cool as you cound see the bubbles coming underneath the gravel and blowing to the surface.... :D
I have my tank water up to the filter; it doesn't force any bubbles below the surface, and I have healthy, active fish. On the other hand, my tank is pretty understocked.

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