Surely someone is familiar with a Magnum 350


New Member
Jan 29, 2005
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Hi all, I am hoping if I bump this question I might get at least one reply. I am setting up Wednesday and still have a few things to sort out.

1.) IF I use only the magnum 350 canister, and not the bio wheels (as some folks do), what is providing the biological need? FYI, I will be cycling the new 45g with some gravel from my ten gallon in a nylong stocking. It is an ugf so I don't have a piece of filter to add, altho my neighbor might be convinced to let me filtch a piece from her filter.

2.) How many fish shall I add to start with, in this situation?

3.)If I begin by also using the bio wheels in my new tank to help build a good bunch of bacteria, and the splashing bothers me and I remove it at some point, will it throw the bio load outa wack and will I have to begin cycle all over again?

Thanks sooooooooooooo much!
1.I'm not really familiar with the Magnum of 350 but if it contains a fine sponge or floss that is where your baterial culture is doing it's job.

2. Personally I'd do a fishless cycle since you already have a good bateria starter from other tanks a fishless cycle shouldn't take very long to do

3. Actually my bio wheel is very quiet and sounds like a little trickling stream in the background. i shouldn't see a problem with removing the wheel at any time though it will just be a hang on filter then. It will most likely kill the good bateria contained in the wheel but it shouldn't throw your whole tank out of wack.

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