Supraking's Test Results


New Member
May 11, 2007
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****update is in last post****

right got the nutrafin mini test kit, ran a test on everything but not sure if i did it right? do the results look ok?

pH - 7.5
Ammonia - 2mg/L
Nitrite - 0 mg/L
Nitrate - 7 mg/L (should i be getting nitrate without nitrite?)

ill be doing a pH test after doing a water change, either tonight or tomorrow just to check exactly my pH
You ammonia should be 0, so you're not completely cycled. If you aren't already, you should be doing daily water changes of around 10-15% so they fish won't suffer from the ammonia present.

Good luck! :good:
been doing daily water changes for a week now, apart from today:) might have to do one before goin bed, ive only had the tank 2 weeks (nearly) so i wasnt expecting it to be cycled
right got the nutrafin mini test kit, ran a test on everything but not sure if i did it right? do the results look ok?

pH - 7.5
Ammonia - 2mg/L
Nitrite - 0 mg/L
Nitrate - 7 mg/L (should i be getting nitrate without nitrite?)

ill be doing a pH test after doing a water change, either tonight or tomorrow just to check exactly my pH

hopefully you would be getting no nitrites with nitrates getting up there a bit. the ammonia is confusing me anyway hehe i would expect that to read 0 with nitrites down and nitrates up. (that is if i do understand this whole thing properly) lol you think i would by now but chemistry was never my strong suit correct me if im off par there
pretty much as expected, the nitrate reading is probably from your tap water, check that :good:
good, then it means that some of your ammonia is being converted to ntirite/nitrate..... don't worry too much if the readings seem a little off occasionally, while the liquid tests kits are the best ones available to the average home fishkeeper they can still be a little unreliable and readings should be taken as a sort of guideline amount rather than the exact number
oky cheers, ill continue with the daily changes and do test for nitrite every other day (or should i be doing all tests every day?) so i know when ammonia is starting to be changed to nitrite well , did that sentance make sense?
yeah sort of, really it's down to you if you wanna test for nitrite every day or every other, when your nearing the end of the cycle do it everyday so you can be clear when it's done, but now when you can make an educated guess to what the levels will be so therefore you know what you've gotta do then it's actually not so important
ok just tested my water again, 21/5/07. looks like the cycle is coming along nicely

Ammonia - 1mg/L
Nitrite - 0.4 mg/L
Nitrate - 5 mg/L

gunna carry on with the water changes and check my ammonia daily, nitrite every few days.
until the ammonia stays at 0:)

my 3 current inhabitants seem to be enjoying themselves:) and are putting up with everything fine
damn wiggle, u reply very fast:) before i could update the title of the thread, and then read through it all again:) cheers dont know wot i would do without u

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