Superglue Safe?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Man, UK
I have read of people using superglue to attatch moss to wood or ornaments. Is this safe?? I want to order some cichlid caves for my fishies and have them blend into the plants so was thinking of glueing moss onto them???

Any input would be very much appreciated before I order :)

Laura x
I've heard from the most experienced folks on this forum that it's safe to use. I'd make sure it's completely set before placing it in the tank.
NOOOOO!!! i wouldn't advise using anything other than aquaruim safe silicone to stick anything to anything else in your aquaruim!!

L :shout:

just my opinion but i am a panicer!!!
It's perfectly safe, it cures instantly on contact with water, which is why it is used to seal large cuts in hospitals.
cyanoacrylate is safe :) look for that as the ingredient on the back. I think most other are safe but I was told by the fish shop to get one with that in
i personally wouldnt risk it but i think water volume would make a differnce a drop of glue in a 10 litre tank may be disasterous but a drop in a 500 litre tank may not do a thing, but i cant see how you can glue moss which will be wet :S
It's perfectly safe, it cures instantly on contact with water, which is why it is used to seal large cuts in hospitals.

i personally wouldnt risk it but i think water volume would make a differnce a drop of glue in a 10 litre tank may be disasterous but a drop in a 500 litre tank may not do a thing, but i cant see how you can glue moss which will be wet :S

phelpsy, see ^^^^
cyanoacrylate is safe :) look for that as the ingredient on the back. I think most other are safe but I was told by the fish shop to get one with that in

+1. Totally safe. You can put glue on a piece of moss and put it into the tank immediately. It sets in the water.
yep it is safe. Reefers also use it for corals and you know how panicy they get about their water quality!
didnt see that reply lol im a slow typer and they wernt there when i started lol this is why i love this site as theres something new to be learnt all the time :D
Thank you :D I will go ahead and order, can't wait to get everything set up and planted with my fish :)

Laura x
Be sure to post photos when you're up and running Laura!
well you learn something new everyday!! i seriously didn't know it was ok to use!! thanks guys!

L :hyper:

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