Super Pico


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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I was trying to decide on what to do and went out yesterday looking for Vases in the Local FLorists. As I have Sold the Aquaone Nano and all the Fish with it. Found a Few Nice vases and bought a Lovely U Shaped Vase.
When I got home and started playing around i did not like it so much,So hunting around in the Garage I found this tiny little Display Tank that I bought from Last Mays BLA Auction in Corby. I had not used it before as it leaked. So soent a bit of time resealing the leak and Retaping the Edges and Base.
I decided to use all the Plants that I already had to hand, and Cracked the Bogwood into Smaller more Pointy Shapes.

The Inhabitants: 1 Baby Ramshorn Snail, Daphnia Magna, and Japanese Blue Guppy Fry dropped while I was scaping this.











Oohs! Nice tank! ^^; :D Is it filtered, or are the plants a filter enough? :/

Thanks, It is not going ot be filtered, the Fry are only Temp. Its only going to be running for a few weeks.
I love it! It almost looks like a terrarium. Aren't moss walls awesome!
I love it! It almost looks like a terrarium. Aren't moss walls awesome!

Exactly what I was thinking as i started to baste water into it. I am Loving this Moss Wall, I like how other mosses are now in it and growing along side the fissidens.
gill stoooop lol

everytime you show us a tank like this it makes me want to buy that model of tank lol

looks good gill
I love it! It almost looks like a terrarium. Aren't moss walls awesome!

Exactly what I was thinking as i started to baste water into it. I am Loving this Moss Wall, I like how other mosses are now in it and growing along side the fissidens.

I agree. Moss walls add so much with regard to plant mass and yet do not take up substrate space. Perfect for little tanks. Makes me want to do my 2.5g again. A monster tank next to yours, but it's what I've got. Very tempting. You are tempting me. :lol:

Thanks, GO on you know you want to set it up again, Anywhoo, are you going to be scaping anything for the comp
Nah, I'm not a competitor. My scapes take too long to develop. If this one takes, though, you should enter it. It really has some potential.

i am going to see how this one goes, and if i like the end result will use it. i have no illusions as to the fact i am in no way any competition for most people on there. I do not use the high tech equipment nor do i use any of the high tech supplements, so wherever i end up i will be happy with
i am going to see how this one goes, and if i like the end result will use it. i have no illusions as to the fact i am in no way any competition for most people on there. I do not use the high tech equipment nor do i use any of the high tech supplements, so wherever i end up i will be happy with

Gill, you're talking to the girl who still uses yeast and refuses to spend money on the special soils and the fancy-shmancy stuff. High-tech I am most certainly not. :lol:

I will say, I do like the TPN+. Soooooo easy to use. I like easy things. The drop checker and the diffusor I have in my 8g are nice too. Not too expensive, but they make the yeast work much better.

Still, if the scape works well, you should go represent. I'd love for some TFF people to compete. Which competition is this for? I'm not much in the loop, like I said, I don't follow competitions much. If you want, start a thread here and let us know about it.

Its for the new Competition over on UKAPs for Pico's this month and then maybe another type of pico next month. so fdar it is very interesting. DevUK is Admin for it

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