Super Coconut Cave!


Nov 21, 2008
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Well... baby was asleep an the GF was at work so i was looking for things to do/build/break(its a man thing lol)

So i made mr fighter(aka bluey) a new house!!!

Start with 1/2 a coconut and cut a "door" for him....

Find some old gravel/stones from previous tanks....

Fill holes/cover any sealent with substrate in your tank....

Place in tank.....

Ring the door bell and see whos home....

Full tank shot, It goes in well with the other decor plus i might get some kuhlis or bottom dwellers to go in with him.

Hope you all like :good:
That looks fantastic mate. :good:

We've been fiddling about with slate caves and the like, this has given us food for thought. It never occurred that you could stuck stuff on!

Good work!
Thanks for the feed back.

I'm used to making/planning all sorts of stuff when im bored next plan is make a custom TV cabenet with 4 betta tanks on it and room for a the 3 footer at the bottom :p

Im quite handy with a welder and electricals but not to good at the measuring side of things lol.
Im quite handy with a welder and electricals but not to good at the measuring side of things lol.

You sound just like me. Not quite so hot with the welder though - I'd say I was 'adequate' at best... :)

I knocked up my fish tank/TV cabinet without much in the way of planning or measuring, it can be done. It's not 100% square all round, but that doesn't matter, neither's my house! :lol:

That looks really good :D

How sensitive are fish to sound and vibration.... coz my HIFI kicks out some serious bass...

Anyway this is the plan..Any comments welcome.


The tank at the bottom will have 2 doors next to it hiding equipment and wires and a hinged panel for access.

Any good?

That looks really good :D

How sensitive are fish to sound and vibration.... coz my HIFI kicks out some serious bass...

Anyway this is the plan..Any comments welcome.


The tank at the bottom will have 2 doors next to it hiding equipment and wires and a hinged panel for access.

Any good?


I don't know how much i would trust all the wet stuff around all the electric stuff lol.

And i don't think the fishys will appreciate power balards (or what ever you listen too lol). Looks good though
Thats cool i can move the hi-fi to the floor..
Power ballards "psh" got to be D&B
Im going to make sure i have surge protectors and it all panels are going to be sealed.

Cheers for the input :D
Thats cool i can move the hi-fi to the floor..
Power ballards "psh" got to be D&B
Im going to make sure i have surge protectors and it all panels are going to be sealed.

Cheers for the input :D

We all know its going to be power ballards when no ones in :p

Yeah i wouldn't want to shake the fish to death but i bet it will look really cool if you do do it, get moonlights for the tanks for watching tv at night with the moonlinghts on in the betta tanks
That looks like a good plan... I wouldn't fancy having the tank on the floor like that myself, but that's just my preference. Electrics shouldn't be a problem as long as you're careful. The only issue I can see is maybe moisture from the bottom tank affecting the TV, but as long as you seal it well, you should be fine.
My fish don't seem to mind the noise too much, it's more sudden loud bangs that stress them out. They'll get used to it soon enough...

Looking forward to seeing it built! :good:

One tip I will pass on: Yatch varnish. It'll seal everything really well and looks good to boot. Unless you're planning to paint it of course, in which case nevermind. ;)
man how does everyone get their tanks looking so nice.

i attempt to do some creative thinking and my tank ends up worse lol.

Liam preplan it before you start so your working for a clear goal that you have a mental picture of or better a sketch to follow and the steps on how you are going to get there listed if its complex DIY. Don't rush and re do anything that your not 100% happy with and you will find your dream setup becomes a reality.

Anyway this is the plan..Any comments welcome.

Make sure you don't seal up the electrics completely they do need ventilation of course perhaps add dust guards to any grills so that there is layer to absorb moisture and prevent condensation on electrics such as click me

I reccomend you learn how to use google sketch-up ;) loads of designs and you can easily add detail with little effort also there are a thousand and one guides to use. Did I mention its free....

I am just the same as you get bored have to build something or break something or design, can't just microwave my brain all day.

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