I have 8 Sunset Platys and all of them have redish gills. Is this normal for sunset platys? is it part of their colouration?
I only ask because none of the other fish have red gills.
BTW, opinions on my tanks stock, 20 Gallon hex tank, 1x Bristlenose plec (female around 6inch), 3x Glass catfish, 1x Phantom tetra, 1x guppy, 8x Sunset Platy (2 are 3months old), 4x Amano Shrimps. and id like to get 1 or 2 assassin snails.
I only ask because none of the other fish have red gills.
BTW, opinions on my tanks stock, 20 Gallon hex tank, 1x Bristlenose plec (female around 6inch), 3x Glass catfish, 1x Phantom tetra, 1x guppy, 8x Sunset Platy (2 are 3months old), 4x Amano Shrimps. and id like to get 1 or 2 assassin snails.