Sun Light To Cure Curled Fins


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I used to keep my male bettas on a small table near me by the computer which never got much sunlight. I had bought one of my boys as a juvenile and had watched his fins develope and they were nice and straight. After a couple months of having him near me by the computer I noticed his bottom fin was starting to curl it was curling weirdly :X He wasn't looking too cute to me anymore with this chuck of curl hanging off him so I sat down one night reading on many websites why curling fins happen in bettas and I read something about how sunlight plays a big part in it. I wasn't too sure about it but decided to try it so I moved all my boys to a window ledge where they would get plenty of direct sunlight. Within a week of having him there the curl started to uncurl and I am glad to say now that it is completly gone :hyper: It actually uncurled and like broke off. Now his fins are straight again.

Anyways just thought I would share so if anyone else if having these problems they might want to try moving their boys near to a window with sunlight :)
Phil Ngo a Singaporean Breeder, who breeds crowntails, told me about this technique for straigthening rays. Never tried it myself though (since I my fish are shortfins). Glad to hear that it works.
Verrry interesting. I wonder why it works? May be bettas need sun to fix certain vitamins? Kinda like people need sun's UV ray to fix vitamin D. I never had problem with curled fins, but then again both my males get the morning sun.
I imagine you're right about that one blue_ram, the fin curling may be (sometimes) caused by a vitamin D deficiency.
Confirming what Synirr said. Phil said it is caused by vitamin deficiency.

Am trying it with a plakat who has a curled ventral.

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