Sun Catfish Killed My Iridescent Shark


New Member
Nov 7, 2007
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So i came home today and everyone in my tank was fine. I went to the store for about an hr and when i came home my 7in Iridescent Shark was Dead with one Eye missing. The only other fish in my tank that is the same size as him is my Indian Sun Cat, Why would he do this and has anyone heard of something like this before? thanks
it is a 55gal there is rocks and plants in the tank. also a big rock cover to hide in where the sun cat is always at and the shark always swam around.
Well 55 gallons is far to small for either of the catfish you had in the tank as both get over the 10 inch mark, so I would say they began to fight each other due to not enough room in the tank and the shark catfish was killed... I suggest you return the catfish or buy it a significantly larger tank :good:
i had the same problem i had a 55 gal tank and had a few cats and medium fish and the smaller fish got splated :sick: :shout: :sick:
Think the catfish did you a favour, pangasius catfish (also known as an 'Iridescent Shark') grow several feet in lengh and need a tank in excess of 1000g :) (Yes, i ment 1000, not 100 :p)
hey that happened to me they killed my pleco, my 2 sliver tipped sharks, my large comet gold. an there are notthin but bones on one side have like a grave yard because of them

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