Sumping A Tank Without Drilling.


Nov 19, 2012
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I currently have a 5ft x 20'' x 20'' tank running an fx5, my filter recently lost abit of grunt due to a piece of media getting stuck in impellor!! and being an fx5 it cant run any sort of fine media without giving me a headache.
Ive been looking into replacing it with a sump, I could modify my cabinet and house a 36''x14''x14'' tank easily which would give me around 120litre more capacity. I don't want to drill the tank though as I believe its tempered so could shatter and I had non stop problems with my old pre drilled fluval tank anyway.
Has anyone used those hang over back siphon weirs? are they reliable
So many better reasons to go for a sump over canister so im looking forward to the change
Don't, Simply put if you don't drill that tank, Overhanging overflows will block and flood your house/room. They are not worth the risk and its FAR worse on larger tanks. Seen people loose homes to overflowing tanks.
If you don't want to drill it, Grab a FX6. It's what I have, It increases the flow in the pump as it blocks up, Giving me around 6 months everytime I need to clean it. If not more.
Have you ever used an overflow box? im aiming for crystal clear water + more capacity which the fx 5-6 does not do. All the other filters I have tried to use along side my fx for fine cleaning have failed and become a ballache to change media.
Only heard good things for the FX6 Since they now use smart computers etc etc, I think you need more filterfloss cause my water is always clear :p
Sump wont clear your water and also you may get more capacity with a sump but the display volume does not change, meaning you can't add your sump volume to your stock limit, Tis a bad idea.
As for the overflow boxes, No I have never used one. I've ran a sump before on marine tanks. But only heard honor stories and bad things about those boxes, I recommend against them myself.
Fx6 just uses 10% less power and has an updated lid? Fx5 has everything else. Im not gonna run filter floss as it clogs in about a week and ive always been advised not to use floss in this pump as its to powerfull.
My water is clean but I want marine clean, a sump would do this as you can get 200 micron filter socks? use a 200micron filter in a fx and it would clog in about 2 days.
There's horror stories with fx5, my outlet tap popped off and drained half my tank in about 2 mins and turning it off didn't do much as its gravity fed.
Im not planning on adjusting my stock I just want more filtration, a sump would hold a lot more media than an fx5 would. 6litres of mixed media for the fx5 and around 100litres give or take with the sump im planning on fitting lol..
I had the problem of running fine filter material in my FX5. It became blocked up a bit quite quickly and I had to take the thing apart almost every week to replace or clean the fine filter material. In the end I solved my problem by buying a Fluval F4 internal filter and putting only fine filter material in the centre section, leaving the outer foam in situ. Every week I either clean or replace the fine material and due to the design of the U4 it takes less than two minutes to do and since only the fine stuff is being cleaned or replaced you can do it under a running tap with no need to protect the bacteria in it because there probably aren't any. I have have adopted this system of a second, internal and 'fine' filter for over a year now and it has been excellent in clearing the water. Also since there is no easily blocked filter media in my FX5 I can leave it for up to three months before I have to open it and give everything a clean.
Try it, Fluval U4's are not that expensive (around forty pounds if you shop around) and they are not that obtrusive in a larger tank like yours (and mine). Certainly cheaper and safer than trying to get a sump working.
I dont get how you can block a fx6. Mines been running for a month now with filter floss in it amd still going strong.
Thanks for the info shinysideup, I don't tend to look at internal filters as I like minimal equipment in the tank lol. I will get hold of one and give it ago though!
Techen if your running a planted tank that fine floss would block stupidly fast? unless something not right...
Fluval-1200 said:
Thanks for the info shinysideup, I don't tend to look at internal filters as I like minimal equipment in the tank lol. I will get hold of one and give it ago though!
Techen if your running a planted tank that fine floss would block stupidly fast? unless something not right...
The U4 sits at the same end as the filter basket and outlet pipe so doesn't really add to the general clutter and it's dark colour tends to mask it's presence somewhat -- mind you I do have a black background so it does kinda blend in.

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