Sumpin Tells Me Im Into Something Frustrating....


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Solihull, UK
Finally got my sump installed but I cannot get the flow rates right. It either empties the return chamber and fills the display, or the return chamber rises and the display level falls.

Is there an easy way to sort this ?

I have the following.....


2 flexi hoses run to the sump, a syphon draining the display with a valve on the end to adjust flow (its pretty much open allowing full speed), and the return pump RIO 2100 with the supplied valve to adjust return flow (again, pretty much full open, although the slightest turn 1 degree changes from rising display level and falling display level)


Thank in advance for any comments/advice.

The flexi hoses are a temporary thing until I can fit rigid PVC piping with the return pipe having a T junction with one pipe to display and the other to the sump with a control valve on.
take a T off the return and feed it back into the sump . Add a valve to this and ajust to match the fverflow syphon.

IMO A syphon as a overflow is not the best ider should go with a overflow box or drill the tank.
I know, the sump was an afterthought - therefore the tank is full making drilling it more difficult.

I will go down the drilling route, probably shortly after my first flood :)
You can drill the back or side eaily with the tank full, just lower the water level a little. I have done this before, and will be soon on another tank (sump).

That syphon for drain will cause a flood the first time there is a power cut or the pump is turned off without first cutting the syphon. a very dangerous set up that will only end in failure.
I know exactly what you mean with this one 'cause I tried it this way!

...even when you think you have it set you'll come back an hour later to have a look and the level in the sump will have crept up/down a little bit. I don't think it's do-able this way for any period of time, you'll end up laid in bed wondering if you are about to flood the house - you'll need to get either an overflow or drill.

overflows go for about £30-40 all the time on ebay and I can send you the address of someone who makes them if you need. The thing you need to rememeber is that you'll need to get one that is _bigger_ than the capacity of your pump.

if the pump flows more than your overflow eventually your display will flood. if your overflow flows more - no problem the water can only be drained as far as your box reaches into the water.

so even if you have a huge overflow and a very small pump, the worst that will happen is that the water level will lap around the intake of your overflow box before rising slightly (from the pump) and draining back to that level.

you shouldn't use this same principle with your U tube tho because you can't be sure that it will restart the syphon - it may well tho I was suprised to find that mine actually did when I tried it! no way that I would chance it myself tho. :)

if i cut the pump power, the display only drops 1 inch due to the syphon break holes i drilled.

the problem is however when it restarts and the syphon does not.

wont the noise from drilling stress the livestock ?
personally i wouldn't trust myself to drill a tank with water in. knowing my luck i would break it and have a living room full of water. i know the overflows are deer but IMO i would pay the money, will save you buying a vax later on to remove the salt water from your carpet.
personally i wouldn't trust myself to drill a tank with water in. knowing my luck i would break it and have a living room full of water. i know the overflows are deer but IMO i would pay the money, will save you buying a vax later on to remove the salt water from your carpet.

Drilling is easy, and a drilled tank cannot lose syphon whereas even the best overflows can. I always plan for the worst which is why I drill all my tanks.
personally i wouldn't trust myself to drill a tank with water in. knowing my luck i would break it and have a living room full of water. i know the overflows are deer but IMO i would pay the money, will save you buying a vax later on to remove the salt water from your carpet.

Drilling is easy.

i just don't fancy breaking my £600 fish tank full of another £600 worth of stock, i know my luck and murphys law always rears its ugli head.
if i cut the pump power, the display only drops 1 inch due to the syphon break holes i drilled.

the problem is however when it restarts and the syphon does not.

wont the noise from drilling stress the livestock ?

It would a little, but not too much. Probably less stress than if you emptied your sump from a lost siphon, melted your dry-return pump into a slag and then electrocuted yourself and the tank ;)

I agree, gotta get an overflow box going or drill the tank. Having made an overflow box, I can say that it is POSSIBLE to do it, but its a severe pain in the rear and requires some pretty specialized tools and skill with those tools. I wouldn't ever make that time investment again.
I would defo agree with the others overflow/drill. I had the same dilemma, I had a 3ft tank to either drill or buy an overflow but ended up just buying a new tank for £80 with two holes drilled and a weir installed :nod:

What size is the display tank?

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