sump V multiple Eheims?

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Fish Crazy
Jun 14, 2005
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i am getting a tank 5ft6 X 2ft x 2ft...........from research it seems to be at the size where many people say "sump".

it will be an african cichlid tank.

right now i have 2 eheim 2028's (one the thermofilter version) so my options are:

run with the 2 canisters only

run with 3 canisters = £60 extra on ebay for another 2028. i like this idea as i can use the 3rd canister to run my undergravel jet system.

run 1 canister and get a sump - cost £150+ but i sell 1 canister for £50 so £100 down.

I am leaning to 3 canisters - i just have an idea that once set up people will say "why on earth have 3 canisters when you could have a single sump you fooool"

last point is im using a pangea (like back to nature) background so the canisters will be easier than the weir to work with.

tank is being built soon so need to make a choice! help please!

bottom line is not cost but is the sump so much better that it makes up for the hassle of the weir.
The sump will allow far greater flexibility with filtration and allow you to hide heaters and keep all wires etc out of the display tank.

It will also increase aeration and the total water volume allowing for a more stable tank.

The major downside is the aeration tends to drive CO2 out of the water preventing plant growth, if you don't want plants then I would go for a sump.

So long as the tank is drilled there are very few problems with a sump. You just intall the weir to stop the whole tank draining when the sump return pump is off.

Are there any particular problems you have with sumps?

I myself am a fan of sumps on any fair size tank (my 45 gallon community has a 12 gallon sump on it) so my view will be a little biased.


prob with sumps:

Weir takes up space and will be fiffly with my pangea background - canister pipes will work easy (also canisters are heated so no heater in tank anyway)

Sump makes noise - i know its not much but i can run a canister with no noise V a sump with some noise.

Sump costs more as it will be more expensive than the price i sell my two canisters for!

Thats about it - a sump would have to outperform the canisters by some way to overcome my initial problems.

A sump will overperform in that you can stuff far more filter media in it than you could ever dream of putting into a cannister.

With a good setup durso stanpipe and well planned weir you can make a weir virtually silent (though there will be the slightest of noises still).

If space is a problem then you can always use a mini weir so you don't lose an entire corner.

But to be honest, so long as you won't have a huge bio load I think you'll be better off with cannister filters. It will cost a bit, and can be fiddly to set up your first one.


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