hi everyone i have been thinking of adding a sump to my tank its only a 30 gal tank i have a external filter on it cant remember right now what it is but its more than enough for the tank. is a sump the way to go i dnt mind making one buying one etc. but are they worth it i have read alot on the subject but still unsure if its for me how can i prevent it overflowing what sump systems are best. i would in the future like to go marine when ive got time to take care of it so would it be worth me gettin a sump now an just leaving room for a skimmer!
any info on the matter will be greatly appreciated after reading up on them i dnt feel like ive got anywhere! i need someone to put it into simple english for me!
Thanx !
any info on the matter will be greatly appreciated after reading up on them i dnt feel like ive got anywhere! i need someone to put it into simple english for me!
Thanx !