Sump for Skimmer


New Member
Sep 19, 2004
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Can anybody offer me any advice on building a sump for my Skimmer????
If you could give some more info such as tank size, which skimmer you will be using, sump size, other equipment etc

ste :)
I have been given a 6 ft x 2ft x 2.5ft high complete with cabinet and filters etc
(yeh lucky me) :rofl:
I have 2 Eheim 2217
and a Tunze automatic Skimmer
(can not remember what size, its been in the atic for a while)
It worked very well on my 120 gallon marine tank so i am sure will be fine.
600 watts of heating
I was going to mount the skimmer in the top of the tank but the bottom of it is unsightly, so wish to hide it in a sump.
Its going to be a Brackish Set up and i have room in the cabinet for a Sump
In the middle of the cabinet i also have a 2 ft tank that i am going to set up with UG filter for a few Tropical fish.
I Was thinking of using a 24 x 12 x 18 tank for the sump (18 gallons)
I was planning on setting the return 1 inch from the top level (6 gallons)
That should leave plenty for a power failure.
Was not to sure about how to go about the feed to the sump as the tank has not been drilled.
If i use a syphon how easy is it to balance the in and out with a pump?
If the feed from the pump starts to slow the sump will fill and if the feed to the sump was to slow the sump would dry out?
If the tank is not drilled, then you will need to either get it drilled (only about £10) or get an overflow box. an over flow box syphons water out of the tank into a box hanging on the outside there is a hole in this which goes to the sump. the water in the box will always stay the same as in the tank so if the pump slows down (gets blocked) then the water level will drop and the flow to the sump will slow down. the only problem with these is that if the power goes and the syphon is lost, then the power comes back on the pump will pump back up but the box will not syphon = wet carpet. one way roung this is to stick a venturi on the return pump or a powerhead and connect the air tube to the overflow box when the power comes back on, the venturi will such the air out of the box and re-create the syphon.

as for the size of the sump, your calculations are correct and the sump should be fine although I would allow for 8 gallons comming down from the main tank just to be sure which still gives you pleanty of room. the best thing to do is to get the tank running, turn off the power and let thetank drain. then top the sump up to about 1-2" below the top and then start it up again and mark the "running" level.

why not add a refugium to the sump too if you have space?

ste :)
Thanks The Tank its self has another 12+ gallons volume above the brace plates so would not be a major problem if the syphon did not start up again.I like the idea of a venturi to start up the flow again so will give it a go.
It will also be difficult to add a syphon box as the bracing around the tank is 3 inches wide.
I was thinking of using an elbow set at the level required with a std Ehiem strainer on it.

Whats a refugium?
A refugium is a small tank or section of the sump with out predators such as fish crabs shrimps etc where copepods, amphipods etc can live and breed. this will give the advantage of a good supply of live food to the aquarium. also you can grow algae to take up nitrates. do a search for miracle mud and refugiums, in google, this should bring up a lot of information or if you have any specific questions post them in the marine sections.

I found this diagram while searching around showing a system like yours.


ste :)
Thouhgt living rock and living sand and all that sort of stuff would not survive in a brackish aquarium?
oh sorry, i thought it was going to be a marine tank. No then, they probably wouldn't survive.

ste :)
Although, there's no reason why you can't accomplish something very similar. My LFS sells rock that is of the same kind as live rock, but minus the organisms inside. With some sort of water movement device, you could get some water percolating through, and you could acheive some biological filtration.

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