I have been given a 6 ft x 2ft x 2.5ft high complete with cabinet and filters etc
(yeh lucky me)
I have 2 Eheim 2217
and a Tunze automatic Skimmer
(can not remember what size, its been in the atic for a while)
It worked very well on my 120 gallon marine tank so i am sure will be fine.
600 watts of heating
I was going to mount the skimmer in the top of the tank but the bottom of it is unsightly, so wish to hide it in a sump.
Its going to be a Brackish Set up and i have room in the cabinet for a Sump
In the middle of the cabinet i also have a 2 ft tank that i am going to set up with UG filter for a few Tropical fish.
I Was thinking of using a 24 x 12 x 18 tank for the sump (18 gallons)
I was planning on setting the return 1 inch from the top level (6 gallons)
That should leave plenty for a power failure.
Was not to sure about how to go about the feed to the sump as the tank has not been drilled.
If i use a syphon how easy is it to balance the in and out with a pump?
If the feed from the pump starts to slow the sump will fill and if the feed to the sump was to slow the sump would dry out?