sump design??


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
i'm going to be buying a couple of 4x2x2 tanks with sumps in the near future and want to get a sump layout designed first.

the sump will be a 30x15x15 tank divided up. in 1 of the tanks i need space to run a skimmer though. I'm likely use Titan 3000 pumps to do the job.

some sketches in paint would be good, i want it to flow from 1 end to the other rather than having a trickle tower in the centre.

my current sump layout is course sponges into biological substrate then into chemical usually carbon or some peat then into filter floss then my pump chamber.

here's wot my sump currently looks like, the first part of filter floss is where i sometimes put chemical filtration-


oh and instead of the sheet of filter floss up top there is a layer of 3 different sponges, the type used for pond filters.

I'm assuming this is freshwater...

If so - skimmers dont work well in freshwater as the bubles formed are not small enough to trap the nutrients etc.

I know there are a couple about but they are few and far between.
I've only just spotted your 850l tank thread... Nice tank - I'm off to read it now i've spotted it :)

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