Sumo Loaches

Barbie Bubbles

New Member
Apr 17, 2006
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Wasaga Beach, Ont CANADA
I saw an ad at Big Al's today for Sumo Loaches. They have a grey head and yellow and pink bands around the body. They looked awsome so I went there today to ck them out and found that they didn't have them in stock "false advertising" Anyway I can't seem to find any info on them, maybe they go by a different name? Anybody know anything about these guys?
I've got a couple here. their lovely fish and easy to keep.

They love flake foods and activle come to the surface to feed on it.

Try searching for Schistura balteata and here is one of my pic's of them.

Yes has the most accurate info on them, they do well in sub-tropical going on tropical tanks, the hillstream/river system type habitat is recommend by for keeping these loaches, they are peaceful fish but can apparently be quite territorial with each other.
For got to say I got mine at 19-21C friends who got some for their more tropical tanks have all lost them so inclined to say keep them cool.

Also they love baby guppies as i know now!!!!

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