Fish Gatherer
When the weather started to warm up in late spring I put 10 healthy juvie cherry shrimp that I got off pipoodle into an unfiltered plastic tub of about 20(us)gallons in my back garden. I also added some plant cuttings(small amount of java/xmas moss, bushy one that I forget the name, elodia, water lettuce and duckweed. I did nothing more but occasionaly check on them and dump extra floating plants in. I decided to pull out some just there and easily got 20+(including several large berried females) with just a few swishes of the net. The plants have grown well too with the moss almost completely covering the bottom of the tub. So over the next comple of weeks I'll continue to harvest them but will leave some in over the winter. I'll remove the floating plants so they dont start to rot and foul the water and maybe even do a partial waterchange. They will go into my new 15gal planted setup.