Sulawesi cardinal shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2023
Reaction score
New jersey
So my research into these is confusing. The PH ranges I see online are all the way from 7.0-8.5. And temperature is my biggest concern. The LFS had them in 78 degrees with blue dream shrimp. I see a bunch of stuff online about sulawesi needing like 84 degrees. Any successful breeders have any tips for them?
Currently ph is 7.0
Temp is 80
15 shrimp - 10g 23.96"×14"x7"
Using RODI water with 2 tbl spoons of seachem equilibrium
I have not kept Sulawesi's but I do know that Equilibrium is an awful remineraliser for shrimp of any sort and you are not alkaline enough for long term success. Equilibrium is all Potassium and not enough Ca and Mg. You would do far far better to use one of the dedicated Sulwesi shrimp remineralisers out there. They would buffer to far more appropriate pH's. Other folks seem to prefer the pH7.5 ones over the pH 8.5 ones.
As for temperatures, I hope others are able to advise. All I know is what folks on the web have written. i certainly wouldn't go by what the LFS was keeping them at. They will just be happy keeping them alive, not thriving or breeding.

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