Hello everyone!
I posted this on another forum I frequent, but I've lurked here for several months and there are some really knowledgeable people swimming around, and I'd love their input as well.
So I have a 75 gal that I am intending to redo over the next month or so, and was looking to move away from Africans and into New World Cichlids. After a bit of looking around, decided that as the "centerpiece" if you will, to be a severum (not sure of color yet). Partially because they are visually impressive and also according to many owners, great "wet pets" as well. Plus with being fairly docile, it opens up more options for other tank mates.
However, they're still cichlids so I wanna make sure that everything meshes will together. At least on paper (we all know how the best laid plans can go south quickly)
So what I was thinking of, was a small shoal (5-6) of cory catfishes. Also, the almost obligitory pleco (one of the smaller ones that don't grow to be 15 inch monsters) to help his lazy father with the aglae glass (admit it, you'd rather not scrape algae if you didn't have to either.)
I would also love to have 2 (maybe a pair) Rams as I've kept them before and they are wonderful little fish.
The final group would be another 5-6 fish that would fill out the upper/middle upper portion of the tank. My intitial though was a school of some kind of tetra, but after doing some looking I noticed that Mollies and guppies live in aprox the same region of the world as severums (a pre-req for the tank for me) and I've kept them before, loved them, and had great success with them.
My concerns with having the mollies or guppies are two fold. First, I've always added aquarium salt with my livebearers, and I'm not certain how that would affect the cichlids (that would obviously be a deal breaker) Secondly, several of the other larger cichlids I read about before choosing the severum all seemed to naturally prey on guppies. Now I know that generally Severums are very mild mannered. But at 8-10 inches, I'd prefer not to be stocking my tank with beautiful and semi expensive snacks.
Especially considering that from what I've read, I will already be doing so with the plants that will be in the tank.
So what do you think? Has Jaric epically failed in his research? Or is this just crazy enough to work?
I posted this on another forum I frequent, but I've lurked here for several months and there are some really knowledgeable people swimming around, and I'd love their input as well.
So I have a 75 gal that I am intending to redo over the next month or so, and was looking to move away from Africans and into New World Cichlids. After a bit of looking around, decided that as the "centerpiece" if you will, to be a severum (not sure of color yet). Partially because they are visually impressive and also according to many owners, great "wet pets" as well. Plus with being fairly docile, it opens up more options for other tank mates.
However, they're still cichlids so I wanna make sure that everything meshes will together. At least on paper (we all know how the best laid plans can go south quickly)
So what I was thinking of, was a small shoal (5-6) of cory catfishes. Also, the almost obligitory pleco (one of the smaller ones that don't grow to be 15 inch monsters) to help his lazy father with the aglae glass (admit it, you'd rather not scrape algae if you didn't have to either.)
I would also love to have 2 (maybe a pair) Rams as I've kept them before and they are wonderful little fish.
The final group would be another 5-6 fish that would fill out the upper/middle upper portion of the tank. My intitial though was a school of some kind of tetra, but after doing some looking I noticed that Mollies and guppies live in aprox the same region of the world as severums (a pre-req for the tank for me) and I've kept them before, loved them, and had great success with them.
My concerns with having the mollies or guppies are two fold. First, I've always added aquarium salt with my livebearers, and I'm not certain how that would affect the cichlids (that would obviously be a deal breaker) Secondly, several of the other larger cichlids I read about before choosing the severum all seemed to naturally prey on guppies. Now I know that generally Severums are very mild mannered. But at 8-10 inches, I'd prefer not to be stocking my tank with beautiful and semi expensive snacks.
Especially considering that from what I've read, I will already be doing so with the plants that will be in the tank.
So what do you think? Has Jaric epically failed in his research? Or is this just crazy enough to work?