Suitable Tank Mates For A Severum


New Member
Feb 18, 2009
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Hello everyone!

I posted this on another forum I frequent, but I've lurked here for several months and there are some really knowledgeable people swimming around, and I'd love their input as well.

So I have a 75 gal that I am intending to redo over the next month or so, and was looking to move away from Africans and into New World Cichlids. After a bit of looking around, decided that as the "centerpiece" if you will, to be a severum (not sure of color yet). Partially because they are visually impressive and also according to many owners, great "wet pets" as well. Plus with being fairly docile, it opens up more options for other tank mates.

However, they're still cichlids so I wanna make sure that everything meshes will together. At least on paper (we all know how the best laid plans can go south quickly)

So what I was thinking of, was a small shoal (5-6) of cory catfishes. Also, the almost obligitory pleco (one of the smaller ones that don't grow to be 15 inch monsters) to help his lazy father with the aglae glass (admit it, you'd rather not scrape algae if you didn't have to either.)

I would also love to have 2 (maybe a pair) Rams as I've kept them before and they are wonderful little fish.

The final group would be another 5-6 fish that would fill out the upper/middle upper portion of the tank. My intitial though was a school of some kind of tetra, but after doing some looking I noticed that Mollies and guppies live in aprox the same region of the world as severums (a pre-req for the tank for me) and I've kept them before, loved them, and had great success with them.

My concerns with having the mollies or guppies are two fold. First, I've always added aquarium salt with my livebearers, and I'm not certain how that would affect the cichlids (that would obviously be a deal breaker) Secondly, several of the other larger cichlids I read about before choosing the severum all seemed to naturally prey on guppies. Now I know that generally Severums are very mild mannered. But at 8-10 inches, I'd prefer not to be stocking my tank with beautiful and semi expensive snacks.

Especially considering that from what I've read, I will already be doing so with the plants that will be in the tank.

So what do you think? Has Jaric epically failed in his research? Or is this just crazy enough to work?
Hello everyone!

I posted this on another forum I frequent, but I've lurked here for several months and there are some really knowledgeable people swimming around, and I'd love their input as well.

So I have a 75 gal that I am intending to redo over the next month or so, and was looking to move away from Africans and into New World Cichlids. After a bit of looking around, decided that as the "centerpiece" if you will, to be a severum (not sure of color yet). Partially because they are visually impressive and also according to many owners, great "wet pets" as well. Plus with being fairly docile, it opens up more options for other tank mates.

Sev's do make good wetpets, they certainly recognise their owner and react to people presence. Don't want to be devils advocate but oscars are even better as a wetpet <don't hate me severum fans!>

However, they're still cichlids so I wanna make sure that everything meshes will together. At least on paper (we all know how the best laid plans can go south quickly)

So what I was thinking of, was a small shoal (5-6) of cory catfishes. Also, the almost obligitory pleco (one of the smaller ones that don't grow to be 15 inch monsters) to help his lazy father with the aglae glass (admit it, you'd rather not scrape algae if you didn't have to either.)

Bristlenose plecs are widely regarded as the best algae eaters around, so a few of them and you'll have no trouble

I would also love to have 2 (maybe a pair) Rams as I've kept them before and they are wonderful little fish.

Depending on the personality of the severum there's a chance this won't work. The severum I had was an absolute brute, even attacking the bigger fish, so I'm not sure how delicate little rams will handle themselves. All depends on the individual severums personality

The final group would be another 5-6 fish that would fill out the upper/middle upper portion of the tank. My intitial though was a school of some kind of tetra, but after doing some looking I noticed that Mollies and guppies live in aprox the same region of the world as severums (a pre-req for the tank for me) and I've kept them before, loved them, and had great success with them.

Guppies may well become snacks, I wouldn't risk it. Molly's should be safe but they prefer slightly brackish water (ideally), so I wouldn't have them. I'd stick to the original idea of a school of larger, deeper bodied tetras

My concerns with having the mollies or guppies are two fold. First, I've always added aquarium salt with my livebearers, and I'm not certain how that would affect the cichlids (that would obviously be a deal breaker) Secondly, several of the other larger cichlids I read about before choosing the severum all seemed to naturally prey on guppies. Now I know that generally Severums are very mild mannered. But at 8-10 inches, I'd prefer not to be stocking my tank with beautiful and semi expensive snacks.

I wouldn't add any salt personally, its not needed. As mentioned guppies stand a good risk of becomming snacks. Plecs also don't react well to salt, and I'm not sure on cory's but it would be better not to add any.

Especially considering that from what I've read, I will already be doing so with the plants that will be in the tank.

Plants and severums may not be the best combo :p. They are notorious for munching their way through aquascapes (I know mine did), then again some have had success, some plants stand up well to them - java fern, some anubis -spelling - but more often than not it doesn't work.

So what do you think? Has Jaric epically failed in his research? Or is this just crazy enough to work?
Hi welcome to the forum :) And welcome to the joy of Sev keeping (well soon anyways).

Ok, corys will be absolutely fine, so long as you dont go into the high range of temps that a sev can be kept at, stick between 24-26c, some corys can take higher temps but most prefer slightly lower.

Plec would be fine too, BN would be your best bet for algae control, although not all all of them do that great a job IME.

I would be wary of rams with the Sev, if you happen to get a moody sev, the rams would be bullied and they are not the hardiest of cichlids.

No to the salt, corys and plecs will not tolerate it, dont think cichlids would think much of it either, so mollies/platies are out if you want to add salt. Guppies would be Sev snacks once it reaches maturity.

Larger tetras would be ideal or rainbow fish (which I personally have tonnes of with my Sev)

Plants are trial and error with a Sev, some will eat or destroy any in their path, some will nibble, others wont take any notice, stick with hardier plants if you want to try it, mine doesnt touch wisteria, vallis or java fern or anubias, but Ive trained him well :lol: He goes near my plants, he gets an evil stare from Mum :p

Other cichilds to consider are acaras, possibly keyholes (depending on the sev's personality), geo's, thorichtyys species.
Other cichilds to consider are acaras, possibly keyholes (depending on the sev's personality), geo's, thorichtyys species.
Yeah, I've though long and hard about a pair of Blue acara's. Actually I was contemplating between them and the Severum initially.

Would that be a bit overstocked to have those both in the same tank?

(also thanks for the input, I'll nix the livebearers. I didn't think it would work to be honest, but was at least worth an ask.)
No I think you will find this is a thread about severums and their tankmates.

Go shove some salt in with your cories and see how they like it then.

Re two acaras, possibly not in a 75g, one would be fine though.
Re two acaras, possibly not in a 75g, one would be fine though.
Hmmm That does sound like fun to be honest. Although no Rams makes me sad (of course having the other fish pick on them would make me sadder) swapping them for a blue acara would certainly a very nice looking set of fish.

Plus every time I end up looking at stocking options for various tanks over the year I always end up thinking long and hard about them, so maybe it's a sign to just do it eh?
Go for it :D

Get the acara slightly larger than the Sev if possible, as the sev will grow a bit quicker, plenty of plants (fake or real), wood, caves etc and you should be fine.
oooooooh a sev thread!!!!! ok lets just get the whole sev v oscar thing straightened out . ( no shroob i dont hate you even if you are a tad errrm misguided he he :lol: ) basicly in my honest and of course strictly ahem "unbiased" opinion sevs are the better choice every bit as personable as oscars but without so many minuses ie with 75g you could have maybe the ocscar and a large plec nothing else with sevs more tankmate options for your size tank. also sevs are less messy and unlike oscars will not destroy your carefuly scaped tank on a whim.

i keep my sevs with a blue acara which yes is a lot slower growing than the sev but the fact that its smaller than the sevs are isnt an issue as its a right lordy little sod. so the sev being bigger works well as my sevs peacefull but because its much bigger peace is kept as the acara leaves it alone . so the poor old cutteri get it instead but they give as good as they get.

sevs and corys are fine together ive got 12 in with my cichlids and nothing bothers them .

oh and of course when you get your sev we will expect piccies in the severum appreciation thread :lol:

no its a good thing to think long and hard about your stocking then you dont end up like me changing it 93 times before settling on the stocking youre really happy with
If you want to keep a type of livebearer with the Severum and tankmates then see if you can find some good sized Swordtails, I used to have a pair of 4inch red Swords that were fine with a mixed bunch of cichlids that included a small Severum
no its a good thing to think long and hard about your stocking then you dont end up like me changing it 93 times before settling on the stocking youre really happy with
No, I suffer from the same affliction, don't feel bad.

If I ever find a way to stuff all the fish I want into one tank it will be a glorious day indeed

If you want to keep a type of livebearer with the Severum and tankmates then see if you can find some good sized Swordtails, I used to have a pair of 4inch red Swords that were fine with a mixed bunch of cichlids that included a small Severum
Ohhhh....that's a good idea too. Hadn't thought about sword tails, but they do get big enough to probably avoid becoming tasty snacks.
If you want to keep a type of livebearer with the Severum and tankmates then see if you can find some good sized Swordtails, I used to have a pair of 4inch red Swords that were fine with a mixed bunch of cichlids that included a small Severum

Swordtails would be great, I especially like the 'wild' green variety. Been thinking of putting some with my HRP and having a central american theme going.

Back on topic -> You'll probably change your mind on stocking until you actually have the fish in the bag, I know I did :p. This isn't a bad thing though, just adds to the fun of thinking about stocking options. If I was to have a severum again I'd go for a gold severum, I think they look more impressive as a centrepiece fish and really stand out in a tank.
Think football pitch sized tank, that should do it :lol:
I can only imagine the water changes...

If you want to keep a type of livebearer with the Severum and tankmates then see if you can find some good sized Swordtails, I used to have a pair of 4inch red Swords that were fine with a mixed bunch of cichlids that included a small Severum

Swordtails would be great, I especially like the 'wild' green variety. Been thinking of putting some with my HRP and having a central american theme going.

Back on topic -> You'll probably change your mind on stocking until you actually have the fish in the bag, I know I did :p. This isn't a bad thing though, just adds to the fun of thinking about stocking options. If I was to have a severum again I'd go for a gold severum, I think they look more impressive as a centrepiece fish and really stand out in a tank.
That's the way I am currently leaning, plus I think the contrast with the Blue Acara (if I decide to do that) would be excellent.

But you're 100% right. I'll probably change this a couple more times before all is said and done but that's half the fun

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