Suitable Mbuna For A 55 Gal.


Apr 9, 2010
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Hello, I recently obtained a 55 gal with all knick-knacks besides gravel and rocks. Trying to make it short here, so I have been into fish keeping for several years but have never dove into the cichlid world. I have kept several rams and apistos. in community tanks but never the "meaner" side of the family. As I understand it is recommended to overstock Mbuna's to reduce aggression, I have gone onto a well known "advisor" but it keeps telling me I cannot mix them with my 2 bichirs. It says the ph should be somewhere between 6.0 - 7.5 BUT I have had my guys for almost a year and they have been happy in a ph of 7.8 - 8.0.....
ANYWAYS! I was wondering if this stocking sounds good or am I way off??

5 x Yellow Lab (Labidochromis caeruleus)
5 x Pseudotropheus Acei (Pseudotropheus acei)
5 x Rusty Cichild (Iodotropheus Sprengerae)
5 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi (Pseudotropheus Saulosi)
2 x Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus senegalus)

Or should I go 3 different with 6/7 of each?


THANK YOU for ANY input!!
normally with a 55 gallon tank, you would pick 3 species and have 1m/3f each. pretty much all of the species you listed will work since they are on the more peaceful side of mbuna. i would also leave out the bichir, no due to ph but more so diet and mbuna aggression. mbuna have to be fed a more veggie diet.
normally with a 55 gallon tank, you would pick 3 species and have 1m/3f each. pretty much all of the species you listed will work since they are on the more peaceful side of mbuna. i would also leave out the bichir, no due to ph but more so diet and mbuna aggression. mbuna have to be fed a more veggie diet.

Thats what I was thinking, 3 species instead of 4. Thats why I picked those species because they are on the "less" aggressive side... But besides diet do you think they will be overly aggressive towards them? They are prettyaggressive themselves..... I think I can figure out to feed them earthworms and mealworms in their caves or something..............
I have absolutely no idea on the bichir issue, since I have no experience with them. In a 55g I would stay with 2 species instead of 3, and making sure you have 1 male for each. Overstocking in cichlids is always better, but I had 10 different species all males in a 75g and I think it was enough. So personally I would pick 2 species and then maybe have 6 of each, 1 male and 4-5 females. That way they would still have enough territory and the lone male for whatever you choose could spread his mating aggression around....
If you are partial to having 3 species then lower the amount to 1 male and 4 females for each species. I think personally you are pushing the overstocking with 21 fish in a 55g especially when they get larger with your original stocking list. And then also think about if you have fry as well....
Hope this helps some!

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