Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
i have always loved Cherry Shrimp so am thinking about getting some, the thing is which tank they all have sand substrate and are planted to some degree so which tank would be best for some shrimp, if any
Tank 1: 30 Gal (26 Deg) average planting Fluval U3 filter (thinking they will get sucked in here?) Female Bettas, Swordtails, Copland Tetra, GBR, Bronce/Sterbai Cories, SAE, L52 Pleco.
Tank 2: 15 Gal (24 Deg) heavy planted sponge filter. Betta Falx, Trili/Pygmy Cories, Bulldog Pleco.
Tank 3: 8 Gal (divided) (24-26 Deg) average planted sponge filter each side. Male Bettas
Tank 4: Same as above ^^
Personally i am thinking Tank 2, i could remove youngsters if they get snacked on (only the 4 fish to do so) to one of many fry tanks
Tank 1: 30 Gal (26 Deg) average planting Fluval U3 filter (thinking they will get sucked in here?) Female Bettas, Swordtails, Copland Tetra, GBR, Bronce/Sterbai Cories, SAE, L52 Pleco.
Tank 2: 15 Gal (24 Deg) heavy planted sponge filter. Betta Falx, Trili/Pygmy Cories, Bulldog Pleco.
Tank 3: 8 Gal (divided) (24-26 Deg) average planted sponge filter each side. Male Bettas
Tank 4: Same as above ^^
Personally i am thinking Tank 2, i could remove youngsters if they get snacked on (only the 4 fish to do so) to one of many fry tanks