Suitable Corys To Go In With My Clown Loaches?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2006
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I read somewhere that these go together really well, and since my tank is only jsut big enough for a pair of loaches then I thought it might be nice to get them some company.

Anyone have experience of clowns and corys, or could perhaps recommend a smallish (smaller than 3") type theyll get along with?

Come to think of it, how many corydoras should I aim to keep?
I've read in LOADS of places that Panda Corys get on really well with Clown Loaches, they're awesome little fish.

The rule of thumb is a shoal of 6+ with no real upper limit, I've seen videos of hundreds of them before :D
I read somewhere that these go together really well, and since my tank is only jsut big enough for a pair of loaches then I thought it might be nice to get them some company.

Anyone have experience of clowns and corys, or could perhaps recommend a smallish (smaller than 3") type theyll get along with?

Come to think of it, how many corydoras should I aim to keep?

how big is "just big enough" clown loach should be in groups of 6+ and can live for 40 years growing to 16" check out I personally wouldn't keep the 2 together as large clowns will compete with corys for food and floor space

At the moment they're only 1.5"s long, so its not an issue. The tank is 20 gallons. I am aware at some point i'll have to re-home them, however ive also been told theyre relatively slow growers. They seem to be quite happy as a pair - how essential is it to keep them in larger groups?
Panda corys. I dont think Dwarves would work. :)

XD, They're pretty cool fish. I've heard from others that they've been sucessful with pandas and clowns.
:) Good luck buddy,

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