Suicidal Shrimp Throws Itself Out Of The Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2007
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Walking in from work tonight and went to feed the fishes and spotted something on the floor and it was a half dead shrimp still twitching but very very dry.

Put him back in and apart from his feelers a bit hurt he seems fine.

I have four shrimp a mixture of cherries and amano's and this is the first one that has attempted to take his own shrimpy life.

Do they have a habit of doing this? and will he be okay once he rehydrates?
What else is in there with the shrimp? Sometimes they launch out of the water when they get scared or are being chased. I know my bamboo shrimp jumped out when I tried to catch him.
Tetra's, platies, a plec and a large bamboo shrimp !!

It was whizzing around like a mad thing but with nothing chasing it and I guess it just got carried away and popped out, it was quite a way from the tank too!

Shrimp will flee the tank if theres any problems with water quality. Are the other shrimp acting normal?
Yeah, my two cherries and my one bamboo are fine eating and picking at bits.

My Cherry was a bit skittish after a water change yesterday but settled down, put that down to the influx of cooler water for a time.

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