
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Jun 9, 2005
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what should i fill it up with?

i like sharks,puffer fish, or anything that i can feed feeder fish.

Any suggestions would be great.

also i plan to house any fish in the 10 gallon, no upgrades. or most unlikely. :thumbs:
No sharks tank is not big enough.
u could probably try a dwarf puffer they need about 5 gallons each and only grow to an inch! :cool:
Puffers are ok 10gal tanks, but never kept them so can't tell you anything about them.
You can try an african butterfy fish which would eat small feeders. However, unless you are going to be breeding them yourself, feeders are often dangerous to feed your fish because they often carry disease.
if you want something thats eats feeders would you consider crustacean? crayfish fiddler crabs
Well it doesnt have to eat feeders, it was just something to give you an idea.

A fish that is intresting! :thumbs:
so far ive got
2 neon tetras
1 dalmation molly
3 ghost shrimp
and one plecostomus

i plan to get rid of plecostumsu and get an oto.

What can i add?

maybe a male molly so they can breed, a few more neon tetras? a guppy or 2?
anything? :blink:
Is this in the 10? Well... Mollys get to 4 inches+, neons need to be in groups of 6+. In a 10 you could have 2 mollys but nothing else.

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