

New Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Hi guys,
I am after any suggestions as to what I should add to my tank. I have a 130litre tank with gravel substrate and a mixture of live plants, plastic and hides. In there currently I have:

1 convict
2 forest jewels
2 tiger barbs
2 sucking cat fish
3 female fighters *I know this is wierd but they weren't coping in the other tank and they are thriving in here so I have left them. They are peaceful and not attacked by any of the others so hey I'll keep tabs on the situation but they seem happy for now)

I would like another cichlid as this is the way I want to go with this tank but am unsure what to get. I would like some colour or was thinking about another convict as I love mine but was worried 2 may make then a little more aggressive and he is no spring flower now! lol Also, size concerns.

Also, I am a little strapped for cash but want to add more hides etc... to my tank for the cichlids so is there anything you can recommend from a non LFS source that I can safely use in my tank? ie. Rocks from Bunnings (B&Q equiv) etc...

Any ideas much appreciated

Before you start adding new species, pad out the ones you have. Female bettas should ideally be in a larger group and tiger barbs should definitely be in groups of at least 5 or 6, ideally more.

With 2 catfish (what kind? Plecs?), 6 tiger barbs, 6 female bettas, a convict and 2 jewels, you've about hit max stocking capacity. If you don't boost the shoals and the groups, then consider whether you are putting the interests of the fish first.

You already have three cichlids and a several community fish. As the cichlids and the bettas really need their space (due to terriatory and aggressiveness), you're best having a slightly understocked tank.

I know it doesn't seem like many fish but you have chosen cichlids :nod:
Thanks for the help Assaye, I'm not sure what catfish they are, they are called sucking catfish in the LFS. They are slender with a black stripe running the length of their body and can generally be found attached to the side of the tank or sucking on something.

I thought that might be the case with the cichlids but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'll prob just put a few more barbs in to get their numbers respectable for their socialising. :beer:

Thanks again
They sound like ottos, but make sure they aren't chinese algae eaters, because once they hit a certain size they start eating fish. Check out some of the pinned fish profiles and see if they match anything up there.
You guessed it Ninja, looking at the pics they are indeed ottos. Just a quickie, t the LFS they have an axalotl(?) which has been there for months and is in a tank about 25cm square. I feel really sorry for the poor thing but am unsure if it would be better or worse for it if I brought it home into my tank? What do you guys reckon?


ps. if you wanna see my tank check here:

it's the one with the lego
I agree with the others. You should add more tiger barbs for sure. Cichlids are funny creatures. They like to have their own space and defend it from intruders, so they need a larger tank despite their actual size. The jewels are going to get big. They are incredibly pretty fish. Sometimes I have heard of them terrorizing the whole tank, claiming it as their own.

If you have your heart set on cichlids, why not try shell dwellers or some of the smaller tanganyikan cichlids?

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