

Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
At the moment I have a 64 litre tank and all I have in it is:

10 neon tetras
2 Ghourami
3 cory

Any suggestions as to what else I should put in with them?

I'd like to add some colour and movement to the tank but would also like hardy and resilient fish.

Thanks guys,

Darren :rolleyes:
You wont be far off your stocking limit at the min.

What sort of filtration does the tank have?

How long has it been running?

and what type of gouramis do you have?

Heated by a 50 watt heater
filtered by a bioflow 280 pump set

They're golden gourami btw.

Thanks for your reply.


Oh and tank has been running since January 2009.
The term "golden" gourami gets used for at least a couple different types:

If its a "gold gourami", the type that's basically a color variation of the blue/three-spot and the opaline, then its going to get to be a quite large potentially pretty mean fish, although I'm not saying it would be a problem with the current fish, just a concern that it might eventually get a bit big for the current tank.

If its really a "honey gourami" that just being called golded because it looks kind of that way then its a completely different story as those have neither of the above problems.


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