Suggestions for new fish


New Member
May 4, 2004
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Hi everyone

I have a planted Juwel 180l UK Rio tank and wondered what fish I could add next, if any.

I currently have: 3 platys, 2 guppies, 2 Golden Rams, 2 Loaches. The fish I have at the minute are all still quite small so I'm conscious that they will grow bigger obviously.

What would be good fish to add? I have probs with algae, but don't really like those huge plec things :blink: - I quite like angels/ dwarf gouramis (but not sure they would work with rams) and I quite like some the tetra's but am not sure I have room for a school and don't know which one's are good to get...

BTW - tank levels are all fine (PH high - but so's the lfs), tanks 4 mths old and settled down well.


Get a small group of otos for your algae problem. :)
Cool - could you point me to any info on the web/ forum about ottos?? I've heard of them but don't know a lot about them... hould they be kept in pairs at least??
smashing - thanks a lot. Will try and find a lfs that stocks them and maybe introduce a pair, have had no luck as yet finding any!


If you don't like those huge plecs you could try a clown plec which are nicely coloured and don't grow too large, they are feroceous algae eaters! Or maybe some chinese sucking loaches, but in a tank your size you may need a few ;)
Thanks - haven't heard of a clown plec - but I'll go and have look on the web now ;)
skipper said:
Hi everyone

I have a planted Juwel 180l UK Rio tank and wondered what fish I could add next, if any.

I currently have: 3 platys, 2 guppies, 2 Golden Rams, 2 Loaches. The fish I have at the minute are all still quite small so I'm conscious that they will grow bigger obviously.

What would be good fish to add? I have probs with algae, but don't really like those huge plec things :blink: - I quite like angels/ dwarf gouramis (but not sure they would work with rams) and I quite like some the tetra's but am not sure I have room for a school and don't know which one's are good to get...

BTW - tank levels are all fine (PH high - but so's the lfs), tanks 4 mths old and settled down well.


what kind of loach? :unsure:

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