Suggestions for my new 20 gallon


New Member
Jul 30, 2004
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San Antonio TX
Im so excited, im getting another tank, its a 20 gallon and i'd like maximum amount of fish because seeing them swim around makes me happy :) Anyway submit your list of fish and what kind i can put together in it. Im using Biospira to cycle the tank!


No bottom dwellers
Good luck with the bio spira. It didn't work for me.

As for your fish, I would get a decent size batch of schooling fish-maybe some harlequin rasboras or some pristella tetras. Plus about 3-4 cory cats.

ok read your post again-why don't you want bottom dwellers? I love my cories for cleaning up junk on the bottom of the tank and well, they're adorable so I love them for that too.
Personally every tank should have some bottom dwellers, it kind of rounds off the overal look of the tank.
cichlids, cichlids, cichlids :D Id get a pair of rams or kribs. Why not bottom dwellers? They clean up the left over food. If you change your mind go wiht a type of small loach.
Some kind of small cichlids would probably be fine, but I still say a few small loachs.

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