Suggestions For My Last Fish?!


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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I currently have a pair of clowns living very happily in my new tank! :D They've been in there about 3 weeks now with no problems at all with them, or the water.

At the moment im trying to think of one last fish for my tank. It has to be something small (the tank is 15 gallons) and peaceful so that it will get on with my clowns, and some shrimp im going to add in a couple of months, and also fairly easy to keep as this is my first tank! :D Ooh, and pretty too :lol: I was thinking of a royal gramma (i think?? :unsure: ) but would appreciate any other suggestions that i can go away and research a bit before i decide on one! :)

i thinnk a clown goby would be great for that size tank and they come in atleast 5 diffrent colours :D
I would be a little wary about putting a royal gramma in that small of a tank with other fish, Royal grammas can be quite territorial. Be careful that any fish you put in the tank is healthy and able to fend for itself. I say this because clown fish can be very territorial and beat on any other mid-uper tank dwelling fish. I would look at getting a shrimp and goby pair if it was my tank.
Thanks for all the suggestions :) After doing some research i've narrowed it down a bit..

Im thinking of either a pistol shrimp and goby pair... Or a Mandarin :)

Can anyone tell me anything about these and whether either are a definate no-no? Mandarins are the fish that made me want to start up a SW tank, they're stunning, but according to stuff i've read about them they're not always the easiest fish to keep.. Would they be no good for me?

Thanks and sorry for all the questions! :D
from all the SW advice i've ever read on this forum (trying searching for mandarin and you will see the advice too ..not hard.. )....they are an absolute NO NO unless you have a very large tank (75+) with a large pod community, a refugium so they (copepods) can reproduce properly, and a very established tank overall...unless you can find a mandarin that is proven to eat frozen...but i donno about one in such a small tank in the first place..

i'm sure the SW experts will chime in...just wanted to tell you what i have heard..
Jessica13 said:
Thanks for all the suggestions :) After doing some research i've narrowed it down a bit..

Im thinking of either a pistol shrimp and goby pair... Or a Mandarin :)

Can anyone tell me anything about these and whether either are a definate no-no? Mandarins are the fish that made me want to start up a SW tank, they're stunning, but according to stuff i've read about them they're not always the easiest fish to keep.. Would they be no good for me?

Thanks and sorry for all the questions! :D

Mandarins are one of the coolest, but can be the toughest fish to keep alive, I would definitely not keep one in a tank smaller than 90 gallons. Some Mandarins will eat frozen and prepared food, but feeding them this way can sometimes only prolong there suffering, this is because Mandarins eat constantly, which is a requirement that many of us can't cater to with prepared feedings. Generally speaking this is a fish that shouldn't be kept unless you have a rather large tank, there are exceptions, but keeping one in hopes that yours will be the exception is what kills thousands of these fish a year.
Mandarins will have to wait for a few years then :D

Pistol shrimp and goby? :)
Good combo..but..they have to be fed twice a day...a little more work. SH
You might have better luck with a scooter blenny as they usually eat frozen and move around in a simular way to mandarins.

Otherwise id suggest a clown goby or an orchid dottyback which is a stunning purple colour and th etank bred ones are very hardy
I feed my fish twice a day anyway :D Flake in the morning and frozen or live at night :)

Will look into the other suggestions before i decide!!


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