Suggestions for getting more fish.


New Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Currently in my 20 L tank (5.2 G) I have:

1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Clown Loach (about 2.5cm)
1 Peppered Catfish
1 Guppy

I'm thinking about getting another fish like another guppy or
a female gourami.
Do you have any suggestions?
Or do you think my tank is overstocked?
I've heard that clown loaches can grow to 30cms in the wild,
but how large will it grow in a small tank?

Depending on what type you're gourami is, he's most likely going to grow to over 3inches and your clown loach will absolutely out grow a 5g. I've seen clown loaches as big as 10 inches. So yes you're (or soon will be) over stocked. Maybe if you didn't own the loach and gourami, you could have added another cory and a guppy to create some company for the other singles.
Sorry to bring the news.
If I returned the loach and maybe the gourami, what fish would you
get for the tank?
i would get another guppy and another cory. perhaps a pair of platys or swordtails. it would look very nicly in there. :p

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