Currently in my 20 L tank (5.2 G) I have:
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Clown Loach (about 2.5cm)
1 Peppered Catfish
1 Guppy
I'm thinking about getting another fish like another guppy or
a female gourami.
Do you have any suggestions?
Or do you think my tank is overstocked?
I've heard that clown loaches can grow to 30cms in the wild,
but how large will it grow in a small tank?
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Clown Loach (about 2.5cm)
1 Peppered Catfish
1 Guppy
I'm thinking about getting another fish like another guppy or
a female gourami.
Do you have any suggestions?
Or do you think my tank is overstocked?
I've heard that clown loaches can grow to 30cms in the wild,
but how large will it grow in a small tank?