Suggestions for cold water tank please


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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I've got a 20 gallon cold water tank. Temp is usually pretty static, around 22C/72F.

At the moment I've got 5 WCM Minnow, 3 Zebra Danio (plus one baby just big enough not to get munched) and 3 Butterfly Plec/Hillstream Loach or whatever name you like to use.

Will my tank take anything else and if so, any suggetions?
The Danios are the ones I like least!

Was wondering if there was any other sort of fish would be happy in the tank.
a heater maybe....

Baaaaaaaad joke... just teasin..............
Well, TBH, theres not much else you can put in it. Goldfish are out, you could only have one anyway but with your current stocking you can't have one.
My brother keeps trying to give me a heater......

Maybe I'll have to give in and take it. Just wanted to be different and have a cold tank, now I'm realising why not many have them, they're too boring!
you could get about ten more of what you have make some larger schools, Maybe add a firebelly newt if you have places out of the watter for it
Will probably go with some variations on the Danios. See if I can find some long fin or leopard ones.
Even if you don't like the danios, I would add atleast 3 more to thier school, they'd love if you did that!
those fish are cool, WTH are you saying when you say they're boring ??? :p

seriously, I'd love to keep a coldwater tank with smaller fish like minnows, maybe a perch or something, or even sunfish, though a 20 gallon is too small

get more minnows, maybe some rosey reds or something like that! some cories like cooler water, depends on the temp it's at right now
Lol, coldwater tanks aren't boring, you just have to pick the right inhabitants...
Not all corys can live in a tank with cooler temperatures. At 72 degrees, C. paleatus and C. aeneus, (the peppered and bronze corys) will do just fine. You would need to get at least 3 of them because they are schooling fish. :D
Thanks, advice taken, been and got some new fish today. Decided to stick with what I know and gone for more of the same.

Two more minnows to make a nice little shoal. A lovely female Danio, looks like a pearl/leopard cross and is also a long fin. Not at all boring. And another Butterfly Plec, instant lurve match with one of my others. They've been together all afternoon, fins all a flutter.

Forget TV tonight, I'll be sitting watching my tank.

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