Fish Addict
I could use some suggestions for scavengers (and/or algae eaters) for the following setup:
46 gallon bowfront tank (36" long, 18" high, 12->15->12" 'deep')
Fairly heavily planted
Gravel substrate (2-4mm size?)
78 degrees
Other fish that will be in the tank:
1 angel
1 dwarf gourami
2 platys
2 guppies
10 neon tetras
By my calculations, the above list is around 30 'fish-inches' (the angel is still pretty small, and if it reaches anything close to full size, will move to another tank).
I would really like to get some Kuhlii loaches, and the LFS is expecting a shipment of them in about two weeks.
Also, it would seem (to a newbie ) to be wise to have at least some form of algae-eating fish in there. I would rather not have snails. From what I've read, it seems that oto cats might fill this bill.
So, some questions...
1) Is having an algea-eating fish (or three) a significant benefit?
2) Will scavengers, like Kuhliis and Corys, take care of some of the algae cleanup?
3) Why does it seem that many people dislike Siamese Algae Eaters?
I'm thinking some comination of Kuhlii/oto/cory (in two's or three's) would probably be a good solution. I'd like to try to keep it to a total of about 10-12 'fish-inches', though, to leave a little room for that 'must have' fish I know is lingering around the corner.
So, ... any suggestions?
46 gallon bowfront tank (36" long, 18" high, 12->15->12" 'deep')
Fairly heavily planted
Gravel substrate (2-4mm size?)
78 degrees
Other fish that will be in the tank:
1 angel
1 dwarf gourami
2 platys
2 guppies
10 neon tetras
By my calculations, the above list is around 30 'fish-inches' (the angel is still pretty small, and if it reaches anything close to full size, will move to another tank).
I would really like to get some Kuhlii loaches, and the LFS is expecting a shipment of them in about two weeks.
Also, it would seem (to a newbie ) to be wise to have at least some form of algae-eating fish in there. I would rather not have snails. From what I've read, it seems that oto cats might fill this bill.
So, some questions...
1) Is having an algea-eating fish (or three) a significant benefit?
2) Will scavengers, like Kuhliis and Corys, take care of some of the algae cleanup?
3) Why does it seem that many people dislike Siamese Algae Eaters?
I'm thinking some comination of Kuhlii/oto/cory (in two's or three's) would probably be a good solution. I'd like to try to keep it to a total of about 10-12 'fish-inches', though, to leave a little room for that 'must have' fish I know is lingering around the corner.
So, ... any suggestions?