Suggestions For A 155l Tall Tank


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

As some of you may already be aware, I recently got a Fluval Osaka 155L as an upgrade to my previous 60L tank.

At present it holds:
6 three line cories
6 cardinal tetra
1 guppy (his 6 mates have died over the past year and I'm waiting for this one to die as I don't want guppies any more)
1 male dwarf gourami
1 bamboo shrimp
5 amano shrimp
9 baby apple snails

Since I've now got the space, I'm looking to increase my stocking. I've got a few ideas which include:
Adding 2-3 more cardinals
Adding 2-3 more cories - maybe three-lined cories, maybe something else?
A shoal of albino black widow tetra (saw these in the shop and my tank is big enough in volume for them, don't know if there'd be enough lengthwise for them though?)
Adding some females to go with my male dwarf gourami - not sure how he'd react?

I'm open to advice on the above ideas, and very much open to other suggestions. Most of the fish I've kept have been on suggestions from forum members. It's fine looking at pretty fish in the shop but it's nice to have something with a bit of personality, which you don't necessarily get from looking for a few minutes in the shop. I'd especially like suggestions on top dwellers as now my guppies have gone I'm lacking in that department (and you really notice it in a tall tank), but I'm open to suggestions on other areas of the tank.

I thank you all in advance for your ideas and advice :)

Went to Maidenhead Aquatics today and was reminded how insanely cute panda cories are.
Agree with adding the cories and cardinals, though if it were me I'd stick to one kind of corie, looks much better IMO. One thing I'd watch out for and worth noting about the Widow tetras are they are pretty nippy, so your guppy will probably get the brunt of that, but like you said you don't want it so why not re-home or give him to your LFS instead of him being unwanted in your tank? With your other questions in terms of advice as to further stocking I'm not too sure myself but someone will be along soon I'm sure!

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