Suggestions For 65 Gallon South American Tank Please


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
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I'm getting a 65 gallon tank in a couple of weeks. I will be doing a fishless cycle so I am in no hurry to buy fish for the tank right away but I want to get my fish wish list together now. I do know for sure that I want a pair of Angels in the tank. I also like Bolivian Rams.

Can anyone give me other suggestions on the fish that I can put in with the Angels? I want an interesting tank with as many fish as possibe without over stocking it.

Don't be shy.... I am willing to hear as many suggestions as possible :nod:

I'm getting a 65 gallon tank in a couple of weeks. I will be doing a fishless cycle so I am in no hurry to buy fish for the tank right away but I want to get my fish wish list together now. I do know for sure that I want a pair of Angels in the tank. I also like Bolivian Rams.

Can anyone give me other suggestions on the fish that I can put in with the Angels? I want an interesting tank with as many fish as possibe without over stocking it.

Don't be shy.... I am willing to hear as many suggestions as possible :nod:


1x keyhole or festivum cichlid
3-5x cories or loaches/boatia (bottom dwellers)
1 synodontis cat
I would go with an all american theme/ biotope with

Thanks for the suggestions! I think I am going to go with the list of fish Davo86 suggested. I think there will be plenty of activity with these fish. Now I need to do some more research regarding the number of each fish I can have in a tank this size.

This is going to be so much fun! :D
I would definately put a few festive cichlids on there, especially if u are having angels, in the wild they actually hang around together even though theyre different fish! i find that pretty cool so i put them in with my amazon setup and its true! they definately have an interest in one another.

Also put some , marbled hatchet fish in, just to mix up the sizes a bit, and for the bottom, a pictus catfish :)
I would definately put a few festive cichlids on there, especially if u are having angels, in the wild they actually hang around together even though theyre different fish! i find that pretty cool so i put them in with my amazon setup and its true! they definately have an interest in one another.

Also put some , marbled hatchet fish in, just to mix up the sizes a bit, and for the bottom, a pictus catfish :)

Festivum get too big and would limit stocking
Festivum get too big and would limit stocking

he has 65 gallons to fill a couple of them would fit fine woth others in aswel surely ?!?

they might be ok with one but a bulky 8 inch fish such as a Festivum, (or Severum or any other similar sized fish for that matter) would take up a lot of the stocking space in what really isn't a big tank, (in cichlid terms)
The pictus catfish is really cool looking. I never seen them before. Hubby would love a couple of those in the tank. I read up on these and it says to get 3-5 of them. If I ended up getting 3 of pictus catfish then I would have to eliminate the cories or the otos. Now I'm really undecided.

What are they like? Do they hide a lot? Do you have some?
Pictus Catfish are best kept in groups and are very playful. I never found mine to be shy but they are very boisterous.
You wouldn't be able to keep small fish like Tetras with them as they are predatory.
If you do decide to go with Pictus, make sure they have plenty of hiding places as they can be a little territorial.
I too am putting a south American tank together. I have a 55 gal .

So far my plan is
55Gal sand bottom, lots of rock work and bogwood, planted.
1 blue acara
2 or 3 Blue rams
4 or 5 Pepper cory cats
1 rubber nose pleco
and a few tetras I was thinking black skirt but I am not sure yet.

That's my plan so far I have the tank I am going to start setting it up today. Get the cycling going.

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