Suggestions For 4ft Tank Please


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
Co. Durham
Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it.

I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish?

I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted and dont think I could cope with more plants to care for! So this tanks just for the fish. I have a tetratec ex700 filter but need lighting and a new heater, recommendations?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanx, G

(I have also posted this in the african section as I dont know whats best, I apologise for my ignorance but I'm trying to learn! :rolleyes: )
If you really dont want plants, they maybe mbuna (african cichlids) are the way to go, nice rock set up and that size tank is perfect for them.

If you want SA/CA cichlids, you could go with keyholes, very peaceful beautiful little fish, with some corydoras as bottom dwellers and large shoals of the larger tetras, bleeding hearts, black phantoms, widows, lemons etc, would look nice, you dont need real plants, there are some good quality silks about :good:
Thanx for your responses. So I gather that most SA/CA cichlids prefer planted tanks then?
Most of the smaller dwarf varieties of rams, keyholes, apistogrammas yes. If you wanted larger species, like severums for example, then you really couldnt have live plants as they eat them all, so silks would be best. For Oscars, dont even bother trying to plant anything as they will rearrange their home as they see fit, which usually involves, ripping up any plants and tossing them around the tank.

Really depends on which SA cichlids you were after.
Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it.

I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish?

I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted and dont think I could cope with more plants to care for! So this tanks just for the fish. I have a tetratec ex700 filter but need lighting and a new heater, recommendations?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanx, G

(I have also posted this in the african section as I dont know whats best, I apologise for my ignorance but I'm trying to learn! :rolleyes: )

considering the total volume of the tank and your preference of rocks over plants then your best bet would be a African Tanginikan setup with something like neolamprologus Brichardi or Lelupi,

or even a straighforward kribensis setup or possibly jewels
Thanx for your help, based on whats been said i'l look at 'tangs'. I have posted the same thread in the african section so will continue on that thread.

Thanx again, G

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