Suggestions And Help On 2ft Marin Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys i have a spare 2ft tank. 66Liters and i was just wondering how hard is it to start a small marin tank just to get used to it?
i have a 3ft tropical tank and its going fine. but i have no idea whats involed with salt water tanks.

Can someone please help me with what i would need to buy and just whats involed with marins tanks?
im not starting it this week but was thinking of setting one up one day soon??
What do you want to keep? Fish only, Fish and mobile invertibrates (snails, crabs, shrimp e.t.c) or a full reef set-up with corals? A lot of this deturmins what you need equipment wise :nod:

All the best
guess a full reef?
will make my 150l tank marine abit later if i get whats going on with the 2ft tank??
Well, I'd reccomend starting with reading the stickies atop this section. You'll need to start learning about concepts like Live Rock, flowrate, lighting, water quality, and chemistry to name a few. Lots of reading in your near future, but tanks like yours can be good starter tanks :). So have a read, look through some journals and when stuff starts confusing you, ask away :).

Also generally when setting up a reef, the best idea is to choose what kind of corals you want, and then pick hardware to match those corals as they're usually the most demanding organism in the system.

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