Suggestions And Comments?

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey all, finally got around to redoing my ten gallon! Any comments or suggestions are welcome as to how I can make it better! Oh and I know it needs a bit of a cleaning job...I did one last week and it's due for another one :)





Edit: Ignore the moss ball in these pictures...i just refilled the tank and it got blown over :)
It looks nice! If it were mine, I'd put some more plants across the back of the tank on the right to even it out a bit. Do you just have the one fish in there? Love the banana plant. :good:

Ooo I just spotted a shrimp on top of the moss ball! :lol:
No I have that one fish, almost an adult balloon molly, but still pretty young, and 3 other baby balloon mollies about a quarter the size of an adult, 2 assassin snails, 3 amano shrimp :) And the banana plant is a bit sad right now :/ But i think it's starting to come back...had a bit of a rough spot a bit back, but before that, the banana plant would have 3 or 4 perfect leaves that were about 3-8 inches tall at a time :)

What kind of plants do you think? I don't have Co2 and I dose with pferts: micros, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium twice a week. Lighting i think is 15 watts T8 5500K and I just have plain black sand..

Thank you!

Edit: this is what the tank used to look like but some really annoying issues happened with that and it just went from bad to worse so I had to redo the whole thing :sad:

The black sand is fantastic, and the white stone is a good contrast. I would suggest a background of your choice, and something tall to hide the heater. You have a great start here, but the eye is somewhat drawn to the heater.
As for suggestions, I believe that is up to your tatse, well yours and the fish. I have three amazon swords, which will have to go somewhere as they get too big, a couple of anubias nana, a cluster of moneywort, a bit of java fern, and alternathera reneckii, that I got on impulse as a centerpiece. Still looking for some good anacharis to finish the screen behind the moneywort. Wanted a cambomba, but have heard gouramies find them quite tasty.
Thank you all! Do you think that I should get another piece of wood or stone and put it near the back right corner by the heater and then put some plants there so that there aren't just some random plants in the middle of the bare sand?

I like what you've done so far, it works well. I like the uneven sand too, really adds to the scape :good: I think some height would be good in there - would work well near the heater so that you could hide it a little. What about some redmoor/manzanita wood in there somewhere (perhaps on the right hand side?) with swords/crypts around it?

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