Suggestion for one more species in this tank?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 27, 2003
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I have a 25g community tank (2.5ft long) with the following stocks:

- 5 Harlequin Rasbora (fully grown)
- 4 Panda Cories (fully grown)
- 4 Albino Bristlenose Pl*co (fully grown)
- 19 baby Albino Bristlenoses (less than 1/2 inch)

This tank is about 1 year old. I used to have platies and blue rams in this tank but they are no longer in there for various reasons.

I just changed the gravel from those crappy looking blue ones with a pool filter sand (which I like alot more!), and then realized that now the whole tank looks VERY monocromatic!

I plan to remove two adult Bristlenoses, and will also remove bristlenose fries as they approach 1 inch.

Given this, does anyone have any suggestions on what I can get to bring up some colors in this tank? This new species must not be able to eat those 1/2 inch pl*co fries.

I'm thinking one of the following:
- 5 or 6 cardinal tetras
- 5 or 6 neon tetras
- trio of german blue ram fries (I believe they won't eat the pl*co fries given how my previous blue rams behaved).
- anything else?
Neons or Cardinals would definitely be good for a splash of color!
Hi yhbae :)

Have you given any thought to a small school of glowlight tetras? They are a nice small fish with a little more subdued color than the cardinal tetras, but bright nonetheless. I seem to have better luck with them than either the neons or cardinals. :D
I say rainbows. Maybe some praecox (neon dwarf) I have never had fry in with mine though so Im not sure about eating them. I think they would be small enough though that they shouldnt bother them. Theyve got pretty tiny little mouths. Rainbows are a great way to add colour to a tank.
I would also suggest some Rainows. The fish you have are lower half of the tank, and most of those suggested, which would be fine, are also lower half of the tank. A small group of Rainbows would add in my opinion.
Neons or cardinals stay in the lower half of the tank? I din't know...

I looked at the tank again, and it is definitely missing something. I'll look into glowlights and rainbows to see if I like them as well.

I think the bristlenose male does a good job to make sure the fries survive until they are about 1/2 inch or so. (He doesn't let any of the fries come out of the hole until they reach that size). At this size, most fishes cannot eat them (platies couldn't eat them!) so personally I'm not THAT concerned about them.

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