Suggest Some Fish For My Partially Stocked Tank?


Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hampshire, England

I have a 95 litre (25 us gallon) aquarium. Until earlier today it was overgrown with java ferns, but today I have massively cut down on them and it's now what I would describe as lightly planted.

I have -
A 4 year old 6 inch angelfish,
5 striped kuhli loaches (a couple of which are about 5 inches long and 1.5cm in diameter!)
5 brown kuhli loaches,
2 odessa barbs (the remains of a group of 5)
2 glass bloodfin tetras (the remains of a group of 5)

The angel I guess you could say is the main attraction. With the current stock, it looks very sparse.
I'm looking for something (maybe a school of 5 or so fish) to add some colour to the tank.

My main concerns are -
The angel is very aggressive and will rip anything with long fins to bits.
The angel has long fins, so although I never had trouble with tiger barbs or odessa barbs, I'm a bit concerned about his fins getting nipped.

Here is a picture of the tank after todays cleanout of plants -

What fish would you suggest?
I think it's got plenty of room. If you look at the picture, you can see it's quite small compared to the tank.
I think it's got plenty of room. If you look at the picture, you can see it's quite small compared to the tank.

Hi Jallen,

It may look as if the Angel has plenty of room, but Terry is right, your tank is too small, this could be contributing to the Angel's aggression. If you can upgrade to a bigger tank, that would be perfect, if not, please think of your fish & rehome it.I'm not being mean, it's well intentioned advice!
good luck with your fishkeeping
If it was my I'd keep an angel in nothing smaller than 150 litres but ideally a 180+ with a higher tank being in favour of a long tank :)
Jallen, I am inclined to agree with the statements above. If you look at your angles fin, you will notice that they are bent. It's known as being clipped, and its is usually do to being house in too small of a tank. I would definitely rehome the angelfish. I know you really like him, but you are doing more damage by keeping him.

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