alright so i'm in the process of changing out my tank almost completely.
i'll be switching to flourite black sand, changing my rock decor for mopani wood to go with my existing bogwood and plant the hell out of the tank using mostly cabomba, reineckii, some swords and ground cover plants (crypts, baby tears, etc).
my idea is to have my existing school of 6 neon tetras complemented with another 6 cardinal tetras.
i also have 1 turquoise and a boesemani rainbow, which i'll be pairing up with another essentially 2 of each.
i also will be keeping a clown loach and a red wag platy i've had since I started fish keeping just because i can't get rid of them (sentimentally speaking)...
to finish the tank I would like to add another rainbow to the mix, but I don't know what. I have had parkinsoni, madagascan and axelrodi and didnt really like them much. I want something like the "Red Irian Rainbow" or something similar...
essentially I want it to have the same body shape as the boesemani/turquoise but a different color altogether...and of course it has to work well with the previously-mentioned stock.
any suggestions?
i'll be switching to flourite black sand, changing my rock decor for mopani wood to go with my existing bogwood and plant the hell out of the tank using mostly cabomba, reineckii, some swords and ground cover plants (crypts, baby tears, etc).
my idea is to have my existing school of 6 neon tetras complemented with another 6 cardinal tetras.
i also have 1 turquoise and a boesemani rainbow, which i'll be pairing up with another essentially 2 of each.
i also will be keeping a clown loach and a red wag platy i've had since I started fish keeping just because i can't get rid of them (sentimentally speaking)...
to finish the tank I would like to add another rainbow to the mix, but I don't know what. I have had parkinsoni, madagascan and axelrodi and didnt really like them much. I want something like the "Red Irian Rainbow" or something similar...
essentially I want it to have the same body shape as the boesemani/turquoise but a different color altogether...and of course it has to work well with the previously-mentioned stock.
any suggestions?