Suggest an oddball.


New Member
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
South Wales
I havent been on the forum for a long time(since November 2003) but im back now with a new tank ive still got my 2footer but i could do with a bit a hand.

This new tank is about 4' long by 1 1/2 wide and about 2' deep.
Im gouing to referbish the tank with:
Fluval canister filter+a small backup filter
Aqua glo and Light glo light tubes
Fine light sand
Hagen heater
Under gravel filter
Holey rock
4-large plants

My water is soft and slightly acid

So what comunity oddballs would go in nicely i'd like a siamese tiger and south American leaf fish but i dont really mind wat oddballs i have as long as they are oddballs.In my 2' tank im gouing to put some smaller rare fish/oddballs

But if eny of you can sugest some oddballs that will go in my tanks ill be very greatfull. :nod:
The siamese tiger fish and leaf fish are not a good combination, leaf fish are not aggressive enough to compete for food with a tiger fish and will soon starve not to mention that eventually the tiger fish will out grow the leaf fish and eat it.

Your tanks volume is roughly around 90 gallons so there is pleanty of room to try a wide variety of oddball fish, ones i can recomend that can live with a STF are polypterus species or dwarf snakeheads, pike characins (hujeta species) are a interesting surface dweller that will not grow too large.

I wouldnt bother with a undergravel filter, they do not work with sand and will not offer anything the external cannister isnt already doing anyway.

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