Suggest A Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Stafford UK
Hey all!!!

I am thinking about either adding 6 pygmie corys or around 10 shrimp to my 10 gal tank
I have kept Cherrys before and liked them loads (until my slight accident that gave them all copper poisoning)
but i was thinking of something different.
can anyone suggest some Shrimps that look cool,will live fine with Endlers and should cost around £20 for 10
Thanks a lot.
if you like cherrys you will find loads of forum members which have some for sale from anything from 50p each to a pound
scot :)
AMANO'S. bigger than cherries, eat everthing, even have a go at algae. you cant obviously breed them unless you have a salty soloution at the ready but they are inexpensive. i love mine.
I have cherry shrimp and amano shrimp, I like the cherry they are so delicate looking I keep those in a 2ft tank with very young fry but my amano I think are brilliant they are much bolder and are really quite comical they are in my 4ft community tank and they are known to steal food from the catfish, annoy the living daylights out the frogs to get their food and have claimed the bog wood as their toy.
Just a quick question,is the rumour about cherry shrimp true,where they will keep breeding until the tanks bioload is full then just stop,
or is that complete rubbish along with the fish only grow to the size of the tank myth?

i think cherrys would be nice as they look cool and the idea of a breeding colony in my tank seems fun,although i dont wanna get over stocked,hence previouse question.

i have seen amano's in a few LFS's and i always get tempted.

the bee shrimp looks awesome,but i havnt seen any near me and i dont know much about them *runs off 2 research*

i think i will scrap the cory idea,i miss my shrimp 2 much lol

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