

Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
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Anchorage Alaska
Im going to get a 30 or 55 gallon tank soon (I cant decide which) and move all of my fish exept the endlers (and mabey get rid of the ottos or get more I'm not sure) Then buy a congo spoted puffer and then some other fish. Any oddball sugestions?

An Elephantnose and an Eel would be good if you got a 55 Gallon.
I've got a 55 and a 30. If you are looking 4 oddballs keep an eye out for purple SPOTTED gudgeons. They get 7 inches and will eat anything under 3 inches. I keep mine in a 30 with a jewel cichlid. These gudgeons are extraordinary and very colorful. They love live food, i threw a moth in with him the other day and he engulfed it. The only remains were part of a wing :lol: He just won't stop eating. Go to YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO in the pics section. It's on the 1st or 2nd page possibly 3rd. He is so cool and I reccomend them. Mine wont eat sticks, only freeze dried or live :D :pepsi:

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