Suddenly feeling guilty


Jul 5, 2005
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United States
I've been watching my Dojos adn doing research on their mating rituals, since they have been acting rather strange today... When I suddenly realized something... They are getting big. My girl has gotten plump and about 4 inches long, and I know she can get more than twice that size.

I was assured 20 gallons is enough for 2 Dojos, though it IS a bare minimum... But I'm starting to feel like they really need a bigger tank, and I can not provide that any time soon... Next FEBRUARY at the earliest...

So as pathetic as this is, I'm just asking for reassurance... IS 20 gallons enough for a male and female Dojo? Is it big enough that their growth will not be stunted and they will continue to live healthy throughout their lives?

Katy (who is aware she's being a postwhore today and has creates one too many threads :p )
I had one get to 6ish inches in a ten before I got my 75. He had the same growth as the two I put in the pond for summer. You should be okay.
Well, you've already worked out that it is not ideal! If there is nothing you can do, then here we are. Assuming that they are the only occupants, that is not a real problem. The thing is to keep your water changes up.
They share the tank with some tetras that only stay at the top of the tank and seem happy enough...As for water changes, I'm worried that I'm going to do too many ^__^ I seem to be on a 25% a week schedule

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