Sudden Swim Bladder


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
OK I did a 100% water change of my bettas 1g tank last night. Today it seems to be having some swim bladder problem.. it swims a little, then it flies straight up to the top, led by its stomach.. then it just floats at the top sideways until I feed it.. then it goes after the food and swims a bit, then floats back up, and lies on its side..

I added some pimafix today, and I think I'll try another water change tonight. Should I try adding a pea just to see what happens?

Is this something other then swim bladder? Theres nothing visibly wrong with him body/fins wise in the way of cuts/marks/discoloring.

Would a video or pic help?

Thanks!! I've had this guy for a few years so I don't want to lose him!!
:/ has he been to the loo? My Clancy was like this until he went and now he is ok again...the pea worked for him. good luck
I haven't noticed it pooing.. but I haven't looked as it just started today.. I'm going to try the pea thing today.. hopefully he will pull through.. It's still eating, so it cant be thaaaaaat bad. Pray for the peas!!!

I think I've had this guy for 2 years, which is probably the longest I've had a fish for. So we gotta keep him going!
A video will work and i think your betta is lonely????So good luck with it.
Try adding a bit of aquarium salt. I know, this happened to one of mine two years ago, but he flopped out onto the counter during a water change. He swam tilted for a while but corrected itself after a week.
You need to STOP feeding him for 2-3 days. What do you feed him? Pellets and freeze dried foods are notorious for causing swim bladder. After the 2-3 days then feed him the insides of a blanched pea. If you do feed pellets or freeze-dried, soak it in dechlorinated water for about 10 minutes before you give it to him. That way they swell before they get into his stomach and press against the swim bladder. Get the meds out of the tank. You don't need them. Just stop the food for a couple of days.

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