Sudden death

Fishy Fishy Man

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I just came home to find my poor little plec dead :sad:
with no real signs of any diseases ive heard of on this forum.

I had two plecs, both very juvenile at about 1 inch, and this morning they were both alive although i noticed one was lying out in the open (peculiar for my fish) looking like he had a cramp in his side, in a U shape... ish

Upon closer insepction the only sign that stood out were two white circles, one on each side of his belly. It didnt look like algea rather like an albino spot.

Sorry cant post water test results, no test kit atm.

Does anyone have any ideas what could have caused this, im worried for my other plec.
Ok update time (not that anyone replied :p)

I just found my other pleco dead aswell. I think i may have seen him die about and hour or two ago, but thought he was just resting. I now put it down to startvation, as there were no signs of foul play on this one either, and he didnt writh or anything to his esting spot, just swam and stopped.

I know that they are meant to eat algea, but our tank is VERY new, and probably hasnt developed any yet.

The only food we have been given is flake, which does not sink to the bottom of the tank so that my plecos may eat it. Since i lost both in the same day, and i can only assume that at the lfs they were fed on the same days, The most probable cause of death is starvation.

my newest concern is our red finned shark. He is a bottom dweller, and i dont think that he has anything to eat either as he ignored the flakes. He probably doesnt have very long to live if we dont get some food into him soon, although i think he may have had a meal of platy fries a while ago.

Going to lfs tomorrow, will ask them about some shark food, and make them feel as guilty as possible, cos i no i do :sad:

Must have bin agonising.

R.I.P Hoover and Bob
Sorry to hear that FFM :(

How old is the tank and do you have any water readings? How long had the plecs been in there?

Bristlenoses should have found enough to eat from algae (assuming the tank is mature enough)....

Get a quality sinking algae wafer/tab for next time.

Most fish should accept flake but its always worth supplementing with other foods - not too many that won't take bloodworm. :nod:

www :)
Yeh my tank is only about 3 or 4 weeks old, so no algae im afraid.

Plecs have bin in there for about a week/week and a half, which is how long they can normally go without food i hear.

No water reading sorry, dont have a home test kit. Will ask ppl at LFS though tomorrow (or today, its 1 am here down under :p)

and could a bristle nose eat a blood worm? itd be kinda ard to catch one considering where their mouth is. just curious on that one :whistle:
Fishy Fishy Man said:
and could a bristle nose eat a blood worm? itd be kinda ard to catch one considering where their mouth is. just curious on that one :whistle:
lol - I was kinda thinking frozen or dried (they don't tend to move much ;) )

I really think test kits essential especially in a new tank.

I think your tank may be suffering high toxin levels and it is probably still cycling!!!

Please read some of the pinned topics in the beginners section.

Particularly THIS ONE


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